New Cambridge Dieter

Hiya kimmy8888 yeah ive ended up in bed really early due to lack of energy had a couple of headaches but been tired more than anything! Im pretty sure my boyfriend doesnt mind as he gets the remote lol
Kimmy I took 2 codeine tablets and went to bed at 8.30 last night and had a great nights sleep. Feel brill today. Only just had my breakfast of maple and pecan porridge at 12.30! :)

I am finding the water quite easy compared to other people. I am normally a huge tea belly but don't like it black and when I tried one with milk the other day I tasted horrible. Prob the constant bad taste in my mouth. So now I just naturally reach for water instead.
I was in bed by 7pm last night lol feeling better today tho!! I never drink enough so struggling with the water but consultant told me I can use the fizzy flavoured water so that not so bad
Hi all, Welcome to the thread Kimmy :)

I was really pretty exhausted in the first few days. I went for a walk to get our groceries on Day 1 and, on the way back, just ran out of steam. I felt like I was running on empty! I started on Saturday so this was my 5th day. It's been the easiest - I've not been hungry and my energy is back up to normal. I had a little headache mid way through the day, but nothing compared to before. Today was Day 2 of the conference (and my second night away from home). I got through the conference dinner intact. My talk went really well so I had lots of people offering me drinks ... managed to ask for soda water rather than beer (which is pretty huge for me as I'm a real ale fan!?!). Dinner was a bit more of a challenge, but I just stuck to chicken (avoiding the green thai curry sauce as much as possible) and salad ... and left the cheesecake for everyone else. I can honestly say this is the first time I've stuck to a diet/plan in a situation like this ... i'd usually find a way of justifying going off-plan for the night. Fingers crossed it pays off. Glad to be heading home tomorrow, though, it's much easier to follow this when I'm in my regular routine.

Hope the tiredness/headaches fade for you guys soon. From what I've read it looks like it's temporary, but that doesn't necessarily make it easier to get through when it's hard. What's helping you all get through the difficult early bit?

Nite all
Wow Brightside thats really impressive! Im not sure i wouldve been as strong as you especially so early in the process, u must be really proud of yourself for that! For me its my holiday that keeps me going, i am going to america to for my 30th and would be gutted if i went this size sas i want pictures and i avoid them at all costs at the minute so really want to stick to it. Day 4 today, last nite was the first evening where ive had any energy so im hopeful that today is even easier, ooh nearly weigh in tim for you Brightside, make sure you let us know how you get on!
day 4

well done Brightside - im dreading first social outing!!!

I have a few holidays coming up this year and determined to be slimmer for the first one in May, my friend I am going on holiday with has recently lost 6 stone on this plan so she keeps me motivated and also seeing the change in her helps!

day 4 today and no headache!!! although I think this is the hungriest I have been on it - cant wait for this burst of energy I am hoping will finally come!
No plans, hubby away and my family live miles away. Thing about early January birthdays is everyone is socialised out from Christmas, just gonna stick to my diet.

I feel better today than yesterday. Just about to talk the dog for a walk, she didn't get one yesterday!

Belated happy birthday! You can always do a belated birthday celebration at the 6 month mark (after Goal) ;)

Hi to everyone! Delighted to see loads starting off same week as me...

I was caught up in work these last two days - I was too tired to log on in the evenings... roll on week 2 when the energy burst comes in! After the apple, I have been 100% good - my partner who loves her glass of wine in the evenings (as do I!) has offered to stay off drink for the month to help me keep focused... that helps a lot!

I'm not feeling the hunger any more - I actually forgot to take my last shake last night :eek: and it hit me - no headaches! Yaaay! After 3 days of headaches, I was really narky with people...

Today's day 5 - my partner commented this morning that my belly's "shrinking" already! Whoop - bring on the WI on Saturday morning!
Just read your post Brightside - good on you passing up the food, so early on too... I'm going to UK for work next week for 2 days and dreading the meal in the restaurant with work colleagues. I haven't told them I'm on the CWP.

I'm getting married in June so that's my motivation: I need to lose at least 3 stone - 4 if possible by then... but our honeymoon is not til July, so have that as my 'incentive' to keep going after the big day! :cool:
Hi veesgirl, that sounds really goid if your partner has commented on your shap changing! Make sure you update your loss for week one!! My way in is on sunday :/ i really hope for good weightloss!!
How is everyone doing?
Day 4 yesterday was really bad for me. I was headachy, sick and dizzy. I couldn't even get up without feeling I was going to be sick. So I had some tuna. Took about an hour to take effect but I felt so much better.
I have to go to work this afternoon though :(
day 5

Yesterday was day 4 for me too and was my worst day - felt really hungry and tired and went to bed at 7pm! hope you are feeling better today on day 5 - im fine today - still thinking about food nearly every waking minute - and probably in my sleep lol

first weigh in on sunday so fingers crossed its a good one.

does anyone have a wee treat after getting weighed? and be honest!! I keep thinking about a wee ham wrap and think I will give in and have it once weighed on sunday - or should I resist temptation?! think I will be better in week 3 when I can have a small thing to eat at night - even starting on the bars next week should be better.
I was debating a little well done treat -subject to the result lol- but then im thinking hmm will that just get me started again and ruin everything so thinking i will hold off until i hit 2 stone. Must admit it seems like every advert i see is about food at the moment!
Hi all - Emma and Kimmy: Sorry to hear day 4 has been really tough for both of you. Hoping day 5 is easier. Emma: great that, given how you felt, all you had was a protein savvy tuna rather than something Carby or Sugary.

I think one of the reasons I'm finding this easier (although the first few days were still a bit of a nightmare at times with feeling v tired and having headaches) is that I started on Step 2 (so i get a little protein meal in the evenings). I don't always need it (last night I didn't get home till about 9.30pm and was considering skipping it, but my hubbie is super sensitive to me skipping anything I say I'm going to eat - in case I take it a bit far - and I ate some prawns and veggies).

Today was my WI with the consultant, and I've lost 7 lb (yay!). My own body analysis scales show that I've reduced my %age fat a little too (without denting my muscle mass - so it's coming off from the right places). I'm not going to celebrate with a food treat, but I've decided to try and come up with non-food treats instead. As treats in my life have, before now, pretty much revolved around food and alcohol - I'm not quite sure what these will be yet ... but am going to have a big think.

If I do have a food treat (i am human after all) i think I'd stick to something without carbs - the first few days of carb withdrawal were pretty yuk, so I'd hate to go back to that after beginning to feel good again.

One idea (and it might be a random one) - Kimmy: would it be poss to ask your consultant for a bar at your next WI so you can treat on that? The peanut one is my fave, I think, but they feel luxurious compared to other stuff ... and if you're going to treat yourself, doing it whilst being on the plan might be awesome (or maybe giving yourself a day of SS+ so you can have a little meal that evening). I'm no expert on this (it's the first time I've done it), but it's always good to have options I think :) One of the reasons I'm not going to have food treats that are off the plan is I can imagine it setting off cravings that would be hard for me to resist in the long term. I'm quite an all or nothing kind of gal :-/

Hope you're having a good Friday
Well done BrightSide! Hope you feeling better AllNeedles? I'm same as you love my water drinking 3-4 litres a day no bother...

I just had my WI this morning was expecting 5-6lb as only doing it 6 days and had crap day 1 and an apple on day 2 :rolleyes: but today I am down NINE yes... 9lb! That's my personal best EVER! I remember doing CD first time and I lost 7lb (I was 100% good too!) I'm so chuffed with meself! :bliss:

Aiming for 6lb next week to hit my first Stone! My Consultant said I could get another 9lb down as most of her clients have similar losses in week 2, then less in week 3/4/5 etc But I don't want to get my hopes up - will be happy with 6lb...

Who mentioned treats? I plan to get my nails done when I hit my first stone... only do this on special occasions.
Wow veesgirl thats brill!! I really hope i can do as well as you both, this is my first day at home on the diet and im craving anything and everything today! I have been tempted to just have some cucumber just so i have something to chew on but part of me wants to finish the whole week on pure shakes, kind of prove to myself i can i suppose! WI tomo for me!!
Hi everyone!

Good idea about the bars Brightside.

Fab loss Vee's Girl!!

i am Day 6 so doing ok. Poor dog has been missing out on her walks. We would usually do about 7000 steps by 9am. We walk all through the local fields. But obviously I haven't been up to that. No walk Thursday or Friday and just 3000 steps this morning. I was literally running out of steam! I will have to build back up to the longer walks.

has anyone else had really achy legs? I lie in bed and feel like I have ran 10 marathons when I have barely been physically active at all.

I felt a little hungry earlier but it seems to have passed with a huge bucket of tea :)

I will treat myself, but non-food. I am going on Monday to get my nails and eyebrows done, but my first treat to myself was a set of new scales to make sure I am getting an accurate measurement. I know I shouldn't weigh daily but I can't help it. My consultant does me in stones so I have been doing myself in kilos so I don't ruin the surprise:)