Hi all - Emma and Kimmy: Sorry to hear day 4 has been really tough for both of you. Hoping day 5 is easier. Emma: great that, given how you felt, all you had was a protein savvy tuna rather than something Carby or Sugary.
I think one of the reasons I'm finding this easier (although the first few days were still a bit of a nightmare at times with feeling v tired and having headaches) is that I started on Step 2 (so i get a little protein meal in the evenings). I don't always need it (last night I didn't get home till about 9.30pm and was considering skipping it, but my hubbie is super sensitive to me skipping anything I say I'm going to eat - in case I take it a bit far - and I ate some prawns and veggies).
Today was my WI with the consultant, and I've lost 7 lb (yay!). My own body analysis scales show that I've reduced my %age fat a little too (without denting my muscle mass - so it's coming off from the right places). I'm not going to celebrate with a food treat, but I've decided to try and come up with non-food treats instead. As treats in my life have, before now, pretty much revolved around food and alcohol - I'm not quite sure what these will be yet ... but am going to have a big think.
If I do have a food treat (i am human after all) i think I'd stick to something without carbs - the first few days of carb withdrawal were pretty yuk, so I'd hate to go back to that after beginning to feel good again.
One idea (and it might be a random one) - Kimmy: would it be poss to ask your consultant for a bar at your next WI so you can treat on that? The peanut one is my fave, I think, but they feel luxurious compared to other stuff ... and if you're going to treat yourself, doing it whilst being on the plan might be awesome (or maybe giving yourself a day of SS+ so you can have a little meal that evening). I'm no expert on this (it's the first time I've done it), but it's always good to have options I think

One of the reasons I'm not going to have food treats that are off the plan is I can imagine it setting off cravings that would be hard for me to resist in the long term. I'm quite an all or nothing kind of gal :-/
Hope you're having a good Friday