Wow - well done Vee's Girl, Kimmy & Keen2Change! These are awesome losses

Will keep my fingers crossed for you tomorrow, Emma. You've worked so hard I'm sure it'll show up on the scales.
I've not had the leg pain thing, but I remember seeing it on the side effects page of the CWP site - it was meant to be about a change in balance of sodium or something when we initially lose lots of water. It's meant to get better along with other side effects, so hope it does. Hope you find the tiredness fades soon too. I guess with SS it just takes a bit more time for your body to get it's head around the change and work out how to burn more fuel.
I've read that intense exercise on the SS plan is a no no (at least for the first couple of weeks, and then only gentle exercise. I read something like you mentioned, Emma - that if you exercise too much it freaks out your body and it jets into the 'hang on to fat' mode. I've had a look at CWP 'Cambridge Active' pages, though, to get guidance as I was exercising pre CWP and really wanted to get back into it asap as I'm also worried about the saggy skin thing. As I'm on Step 2 I start exercising this weekend. I've been using Fitstar app to do short (8-10 minute workouts). Today's was on my core which was really challenging - but felt OK. I know I have less energy available than pre-diet, so am trying to be gentle with myself and listen to my body. Also tried a bit of interval jogging with my hubby today. Just 30s of fast(ish) jogging, and then 90s of resting. I managed 6 reps before getting too tired - and it got my heart rate up. Small attempts at exercise, but hoping that this will be OK on the step I'm on. Definitely felt a bit tired this pm, though
Cool to think about the non-food treats. Yesterday, I had a massage (with a LUSH bar ... mmm) and got a lovely facemask (again, from LUSH) which left me feeling all smooth and pampered. It felt really nice to do something for my body, seeing as i've been neglecting it for so many years. I figure if I do a little treat each week then it might help with the motivation too. Am trying to think of treats for every stone - I haven't had my hair done in months and months, so might treat myself to a new 'do'. It's really hard to think of non-food treats, though, so any and all inspiration is welcome.
Best wishes, everyone