New Cambridge Dieter

How did WI go Allneedles? Great loss K2C! 20lb in 2 weeks?! You are flying!

I must ask for the mousse mix next week - I remember that from before, makes a nice change plus to have as a 'dessert' after my meal.

I was unbelievable bold on Saturday night - I put on pizza for my daughter... she didn't eat it all, left couple of slices, and muggins here finished them off without a second thought! I wasn't til I was putting the plate in the dishwasher that it hit me... :break_diet:I broke my lovely 9 day 100% good record! :ashamed0005:

Back 100% yesterday, and determined not to let the slip-up do much damage!
I lost 3.5lbs this week :)

pity thy about the pizza slip up, but put it behind you and don't fret. Onwards and upwards!
Great to hear you guys are getting such great losses K2C and Allneedles.

Vee's Girl, slip ups are bound to happen occasionally - but how great that you're back on track a day later an determined to not let it derail you. In my experience those occasional slip ups are only a real problem when you take another 5 weeks to dare to get on the scales (by which time I've usually gained more). Have you found it challenging to go low carb post pizza, or is it not too bad. Hope you're still feeling positive :)

im ok, just on my way back from training up north and was really pleased to avoid the free sweets and snacks in my hotel room ... Was seriously tempting to 'just' have a biscuit. Still, glad I've kept to it - have brought chicken slices and rocket from local shop and eaten that for dinner. Dfinitely fuel rather than niceness, but it's keeping me going and is still on plan.

I have aves my WITH on Saturday this week and am a bit worried that, after such good losses on weeks 1 and 2" I won't lose anything this week. I'd really like to be able to get to my first stone which would take 2lb. Fingers crossed :eek:
Hey all, how is everyone this week?? Brightside how was the weigh in?? I have to admit that this was the hardest week for me just wanted to eat everything, i found it harder than week 1?! Either way i pushed through and lost 4lbs this week which im happy with but wouldve liked more. Im away next weekend so i know im going to be off plan but hope it wont cause much damage.... :)

week1 - 14.5lb, week 2 -5.5lbs
Hi Keen2Change - well done with the 4 lb, that's amazing (I can get that you wanted more .... but still, that's great).

My WI went well - I lost 3 lb, so that's 15 lb in 3 weeks. I'm now lower than I've been for many years (and fit in to some clothes that I'd kept even though they were too small!). I treated myself with a new hair do (in celebration of reaching my first stone ... first of many, I hope). I'm not weighing in till a week on Tuesday as this is my last week at work and I'm completely snowed under. Think I can keep focussed, though :)

Sorry to hear this week has been tougher. Great that you pushed through it, though - hope that your weekend off plan goes OK (do you have any plan for how to get through with the least damage?). Given that you're doing so amazingly it'd be crap if the weekend pushes you out of ketosis and you have to go through that initial exhaustion/headaches etc. Or are you just going to go with the flow and catch up afterwards?

The last couple of days have been the hardest for me too, but today's a little easier (phew). A weekend with my family wasn't the easiest thing, as everyone was tucking in to really nice looking food as a restaurant. Still, I felt really good that I specially ordered an chicken breast and undressed salad without feeling too self conscious. It's all worth it, though. I'm lighter than I've been for years and am on the route to being a healthy BMI.

What helped you push through the tough days?
Well done Brightside!! Love that u treated yourself with getting your hair done!! To be honest im seeing people i havent seen for months and we really want to go out and have fun so im going to enjoy myself and then put all my effort in to get it off again and potentially do another week of sole source when im back as well.

My aim is what kept me going and also the achievment, ive come this far and done so much better than i thought i would if im honest i normally dont get past day 3 but im doing this to finally feel better about myself and enjoy a holiday and have pics taken which i wont look at when im back and think eurgh shouldnt have gone, i cant make excuses or get upset anymore because i did this to myself, all i can do now is everything i can to make it right to make me happy ! :)

week1 - 14.5lb, week 2 -5.5lbs week 3 - 4lbs