new start, we have let things slip

yes. i have to find a different balance as my head is defo all over the place. lets see. What will be will be at the moment. x
FSO, a time for me to remind you of your job well done thus far..... 30 odd lbs is a pretty amazing run. No point in punishing yourself for a job well done hey!

It is a shame when things get you down and you want to be at a certain weight and feel a certain way in your clothes but 'plateau' (damn him, must be male) got in the way and nature has decided your body needs to stabilise for the time being (your head and heart though want to reach slimsville!)

Hun, here to tell you your are going to get there and you are realising that this is part of the journey and life must co exist with it. Hence you approach of getting back to it and enjoying London for 3 days, and you will. So fresh page in the book of this journey when you return or should I say a new chapter.


Thanks guys. Up until last week i had managed to get quite low in mood and finally feeling more positive which has involved going out and meeting friends more. The downside is that theres usually food involved but i think i have to care for my emotional well being and not just my weight loss. So for now I am just trying to make better choices foodwise and not going to worry or think at all while in London. Im feeling positive at work at the minute and also feel some of the motivation in relation to the possibility of further study coming back. Im hoping this is one I can hold onto as if still feel the same need to start researching when return from London so can put some sort of proposal together and then decide which universities can accomodate my research area. I am staying in this evening with the soaps but im feeling ok.
I know I will be able to get back to the gym in a couple of days too but i must remember that even if my fitness levels in terms of huff n puff allow me run and keep going, my body cant tolerate it. and it isnt worth it if means im back on painkillers. Im better sticking to 30 mins moderate cardio using a variety of equipments rather than running on treadmil. Hope you guys are all well and thank you for not having a go as right now although i want to shuft the final pounds i need a better balance of things all round. xoxo
fso if it was that easy no one would be overweight. it is a battle that we have to face some take longer that others to win that battle. you have to be in to it 100% to win so just when the time feels right for you then start again. why else would we post on a thread called strugglers and restarters, we have all been there honey.
just for a change i have lose a lb this week, bet that came as a big surprise to everyone.
WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO a lb down.... 'another bites the dust' !! Well done FB>

Me a gain and currently sitting on 76.1kg's. Planned to get back on track today but have spent the day with hubby some tapas and 2 glasses of wine. Just roasting some veges now with spray cooking oil for dinner. I haven't drunk any water today. Looks like Monday is the beginning of a new focus. Want to match your lb!

Well done fb!!!! Thats fab! Im not thinking about anything except the things i need to do in life aside from the weight. Gonna enjoy london and then maybe look to starting again the week after...will see how I feel. I have spent the morning painting some walls that have needed doing for over 6 months so thats 1 thing off the to do list. I think i need to get the motivation to tick off some of these things as i think will make me feel better in the long run. Hope youre all well x
WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO a lb down.... 'another bites the dust' !! Well done FB>

Me a gain and currently sitting on 76.1kg's. Planned to get back on track today but have spent the day with hubby some tapas and 2 glasses of wine. Just roasting some veges now with spray cooking oil for dinner. I haven't drunk any water today. Looks like Monday is the beginning of a new focus. Want to match your lb!

i am now sitting a 72.5 kgs in your terms bren.
FSO I think that ticking things off is a really good idea. We all need to feel as if we can and are doing things, positive things. Hence putting us into a positive mind to tackle other things in life i.e. our weight loss.

I have realised that I eat when I am stressed and make my days too busy. The things to do build up and I stop working and eat! Today I went over 4pts but, I did eat healthier. Positive. Oh and I drank 2ltrs of water and did an easy 40 mins at the gym.

FB 72.5 is correct according to your lbs. All you do is divide your lbs by 2.2 and that's what you are in kg's. You are well on your way hun, wish I was 160!! Soon I'll catch you BOTH! (FINGERS AND TOES ARE CROSSED).

I have decided to give WW a good crack this week and will WI on Wed to see how I am going. Will make this my new WI day.

I found myself in this situation sometime ago, with false start upon false start, but thank God I am now on my way. I must say, positive thinking and attitude got me going not to mention the fact that I tried to stick to my plan regardless of any negative thoughts or occurences.
do you have much to loss?
thanks guys for your continued support. James, are you following any plans etc. Bren i understand what you mean. When im busy i dont think about food but once I stop its time to eat, eat and eat some more. Im hoping to start over when I return from London. So will post a scary weight for you all to show you how much damage I have done. I have managed to put some more on this week but I'm too embarassed to post it so i'm going to not tell today but I will when i restart over. The kitchens looking in a better state of affairs to actually get back on track too. Wont be on for a few days now but will post when back from London. Hugs x
:gen126:have a lovely time in london with mum, we will be here when you come back and will not think any less of you regardless of what the scales will say.
Yep enjoy your time and really when you get back remember it was quick to go on and I usually double the time for it to get off i.e. 3 days away is usually 6 days of on plan for it to disapear. Anyway enough about that.

James, hello and how much do you have to loose?

FB how are you going?

hi guys im back. i think i have colic or ibs!!!! i dont think ive done too much damage in london too. I will weigh in as usual on Monday. so lets see. Good luck with weigh in tomorrow FB. Hope youre well Bren x
Hi FSO, glad u had a good time! Bugger about your ibs situation. Will u have to go to the docs?

FB, I weighed this morning I've lost a little. Going to give this week a really good crack though.

im giving it a week to settle down and if not going to the docs.
how did weigh in go today fb?
well done on your loss Bren.
well i have not managed my lb a week target, i sts.
BABE A STS is all good. Try and tell yourself that 'hey it's not a gain'. Always look at the positive and you will stay on track. Think of it as your body stabilising.

Have you not noticed that you have lost a whopping, yes WHOPPING, 43 lbs!!!!! Yay. You are on the way to slimville hun, in fact you must have seen the signs on the road by now!

hey. well done fb - sts is cool. you have had a good few weeks and as Bren says your body probably just wants to stabilise. lets see what next week brings. I will weigh in tomorrow x
i know i have come a long way and i can feel that there has been a change in my body shape this last few weeks so i really should not moan.