Jessica Rabbit72
Gold Member
Gosh, it's quiet around here tonight. That's the trouble with the last week in January - lots of the New Year's Resolution peeps have drifted away.
Still, I'm on day 24 and still going strong. This is the longest run of SS I've managed to do in years - no tweaks or cheats.Rather proud of myself
Ive just come back from my DD 11th birthday party - they had a wail of a time - ten 10/11yr old girls playing a mystery game based on a beauty pageant and the diamond from the crown goes misssing. They were all brilliant and had a fab time. Lots of party food there and Im pleased to say I resisted all of it thanks to ketosis and not feeling hungry! Plus I resisted bday cake as it was chocolate and I cant stand chocolate cake.
Well done Lily for getting this far wont be long and you will be saying Im on day 48!
hope everyone else okay
see you all tomorrow Im off to watch stella with a cd hot choc and chill after the party