Well... absolutely shocking nights sleep. I took a tramadol as I was in rather a lot of pain, and it is safe to say that for whatever reason tramadol and sleep are not compatible for me!!! Went to sleep at 11, up at 1, and didn't really sleep after that!!! Just don't get it, tramadol has always made me sleep like a baby?! Maybe it is just the energy/adrenaline boost from all the exercise?
Don't ache as much as I thought I might...so far! Feeling very positive this morning, and feel so good for starting some exercise. Can't explain it Theresa, just got 5 weeks in and had this urge to start exercising!!!! But I know I have to do something I enjoy or I won't stick to it. No point me joining a gym - I'd go twice, sign up for a year, then never go again!!!! Trust me, done that more times than I am prepared to admit to! Also helps that it is something Chloe and I can do together, because she loves it and that will push me to keep going!!! Also I realllllllllllllly want to be a black belt one day!!!!!
Hurrah that your period has finally buggered off Sal!!!!! Hopefully you will start to see some marvellous losses again now! Wii fit tells me I have lost another 1lb, but then when you go to the weight chart it still shows the same weight from yesterday, so guess I have lost nearly 1lb maybe? Obviously Wii rounds up and down as only works in whole pounds. Hmmm. Might have to invest in some proper scales