Silver Member
I'm 5"2 and on 4 products a day but that may just be because it's my first week.
I found this chocolate muffin recipe on another forum
1. Put a little BOILING WATER into a ramekin dish or microwaveable mug( about 2 dessert spoons to begin with, you can add more later if needed).
2. Add the chocolate pack & mix to a thick paste. Put into the microwave on high for just under a minute. if it looks a little soggy in the middle, put back in for about 10 seconds or so.
A slightly different version of the muffin can be made by saving some of your bars, add it to the mix & it tastes like a brownie. Or when making chocolate muffins add a couple of teaspoons of the summer berry powder or water flavourings to make a sweeter muffin
Thanks Michelle - I went hunting last night on all the threads looking for this recipe! Anyone tried it yet?
I'm 5ft 10 and struggled that first week on 3 shakes, so I had 4 but only when I needed it - I'm now back down to 3 shakes a day and have been since around day 14....
Whats everyones favourite flavour? Mine's vanilla.
Anyone got idea's of allowable variations to the shakes to zoozh them up a bit? Blend with ice to make a smoothie is one I've seen, and saw some of you mix the choc with hot/warm (?) water and make a hot chocolate? Any other ideas... I'm on week 6 and getting bored of same old shakes done in the same old way.... and I have 6 weeks still to go!