You have done amazing these past few weeks! And soooo close to target!
So now your nearly there do you look how you want to look? And happy without body?
As some people change there goal!
I get really annoyed when drink gives me a rubbish sleep :-/ weird it only happens about half the time and the other half it just knocks me right out and I have a great sleep lol.
Enjoy your night Beck.
I am pretty sure I will be happy with my weight at target. Although I'm aiming for 9stone I might try to lose an extra half pound just so I can see 8stone something on the scales! I'm pretty much a standard size 10 in almost everything now which is where I want to be I don't want to go any smaller as then my clothes wouldn't fit. Have been a 10/12 for quite a while (other than when i put on all the weight when I was in my cast and could only wear jogging bottoms and men's tshirts as none of my clothes would fit eek!!) but am noticing the past few weeks that if I try 12s on they are generally much too big now I do defo need to work on toning though especially my stomach and my arms no longer have any visible muscle.
I am still off the exercise until the ankle stops hurting - its only been 3weeks back at work so far which i guess in relation to the 7months I had off is still quite early on and I'm sure the pain will get better soon. Quite looking forward to getting back into exercise routine and trying out classes at the gym but for now it's more important to be able to get through work in as little pain as possible so it's taking a back burner for now.
Already noticing a big improvement from when I started back at work like I managed several hours of dancing last night pretty much non stop so hopefully in the next few weeks the exercise can start again x
Weird food day coz feeling rotten, had a sore throat before I went out yesterday and a night of screaming along to songs hasn't helped that so mostly icecream today rather than much proper food whoops! :-/ impressed that I've had a chocolate waffle, wispa icecream bar and peanut butter cone and only used 4 weeklies! X
Icecream is less painful to eat than real food I don't recommend the icecream diet under normal circumstances at least it meant I couldn't go on a hungover eating binge!! X
I can't believe its been 3 weeks you have been back at work already. Its good that you noticing a positive difference with your ankle and I am sure you will get back to exercise in the near future, but definitely sensible not to push it too far at the moment.
Food for yesterday looks incredibly yummy. Brilliant for just 4 weeklies.
Thanks ladies totally loaded with the cold today as well as the sore throat - kinda suspected yesterday that I was ill rather than just hungover.
Feel like it should be loads later than it is! Was up at 9ish as couldn't sleep in despite trying and already had a bit of a clearout and tidy up. That's all my productivity for the day done going to have a lazy one watching stuff on Netflix I reckon and a wee trip to Asda to stock up on sudafed, strepsils and tissues! X
On the app it says the whole box is 9pp which seems way too low! I'm sure the pasta alone would be more points than this :-/ think it's just a Scottish thing it's a bit like Kraft cheesy pasta but nicer and with macaroni instead of weird thin pasta.
Similar thing with kraft cheesy pasta it claims to be 12pp a box. Had a quick google of kraft cheesy pasta propoints and it seems the confusion comes from the fact they only state nutritional info for it dried and then made up as directed (which includes loads of butter and full fat milk which adds loads of calories/points obviously). Aparantly the butter alone would be 10pp!! Anyway I didn't add any butter and just used 1pp of skimmed milk and a little water to make up the sauce.
If I had been sensible I could have weighed the macaroni before I cooked it to work out points then add a few for the powdered cheese sauce. The serving is big I really do think it's quite a few more points than 9pp even without the butter/milk.
I only have 4 days left and still have plenty weeklies left so might try to not use all my weeklies and hopefully that should cover any extra that were in dinner. It won't be a regular occurance just I wasn't well and it's a no effort comforting dinner which I really needed x
Really don't know how to work it out as the dried info can't be right and the made up as directed would be way off to do just calling it what the app says and pointed the milk I used. Might have a few weeklies spare to cover it if the being I'll and not hungry thing continues anyway! Used a lot of my points again today for icecream ;-) x
Ugh such a rubbish nights sleep but I do feel a tiny bit better today. Work is the last place I want to be but need the money and it's only 5hour shift today then I'm off tomorrow.
A sneaky peek on the scales are looking promising perhaps the icecream and rum diet is the way forward ;-) surprising as expected a gain but could all change by Friday I guess! X