Haha, I love the overexaggeratedness of the weather!

Just a bit rainy here, about the usual for Manchester!!
Well I am so proud, another on plan day despite it being a fairly long and stressful one! Please god let this be the start of a good run for me! I even made it to the gym after work despite working such a long day!!
I had an interview today at lunchtime for a new job, and the woman interviewing me was soooo hard to read, so not sure at all how I got on, we'll just have to wait and see. Then I had to meet with my old manager to discuss my return to my old department (booooo) which I was dreading, but it wasn't too bad - she understands that I have no desire to be in that role and has promised to let me apply for other roles internally, so hopefully I won't get stuck there for too long even if I don't find anything new externally. I'm really hoping this is going to be one of those situations where my dream job comes up and I'm able to apply, right place right time style - maybe will go and read my horoscope and see if it's predicting good things for me haha!
So food...
Breakfast: Banana, Toffee Yogurt, Tea (0.5)
Snacks: Tea (0.5), Apple, Almonds (HEB)
Lunch: Baked Potato with Butter (2.5) and Cheese (HEA)
Snacks: Satsumas
Exercise: Gym (Bike)
Dinner: Leftover Roast Pork, Potatoes and Veggies, with gravy (1)
Snacks: Pineapple
Summary (EE): 1 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 4.5 Syns, Gym
Hope you've all had good non-stormy Mondays
