Nicola's Cuba Countdown

Just remember I've been exactly where you are now it took weeks to snap out of it!! Today I've been a hormonal mess so not been as good as I should, chips from freezer incident! You will get there, and get there without realising you've rocketed ahead :) :)
I really hope so, thank you hun :) Have woken up feeling positive today, so here's my plan of action...

1) Run a bath, go for a run, get back and straight into the bath (incentives haha!)
2) Make magic pancakes and pile them high with fruit to fill me up
3) Make chickpea dahl loaf (first time, hope it turns out as well as everyone else's!) to have on hand for snacking during the week
4) Clean house (all counts as body magic), do laundry and do shopping
5) Defrost the other half of last week's roast pork joint for dinner, and make a huge pile of roasties - potato, butternut squash, carrot - to make a healthy and filling meal with lots of leftovers for the rest of the week
6) Menu plan the rest of the week and exercise plan the rest of the week
7) Stick all my danger foods out in the boot of the car

I will beat this blip!!

Interview for a new job tomorrow, bit scared!! :eek:
Loving your thread and how you put pics up of all your meals!! They look so yummy! Esp your quorn chilli!!

Ah thanks GillJo :) The quorn chilli is great - apart from the texture you can't tell the difference from meat chilli!

Well today's going ok so far! :D

3km run done, with a sprint at the end, felt like Usain Bolt ;)

Magic pancakes made and eaten - verrrry yummy, made them with a Raspberry Activia and could really taste it in the pancakes!


And Chickpea Dahl Loaf also made and tested (although has had to go back in the oven for 10 mins as not quite done in the middle!), and it's very yummy! Is going to be very handy for snack attacks during the week :)


Now just to stay on track for the rest of the day, wish me luck!!

You can do it! Have you tried the new wraps that are HEXB? Made a pizza for lunch with Asda chilli shredded beef was the best sw meal ever! Pizza is a huge fav of mine and was amazing!!
You can do it! Have you tried the new wraps that are HEXB? Made a pizza for lunch with Asda chilli shredded beef was the best sw meal ever! Pizza is a huge fav of mine and was amazing!!

Ooh no haven't heard about these, where are they from?! Is the chilli shredded beef free? xx
These, only asda sell them but found them in my closest one yesterday. I think the shredded chilli beef is either 0.5 or 1 syn for half a pack but need to check. Was the best SW meal ever! Felt so naughty but had plenty of hidden super free :) xx


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Ooh I like the look of those wraps! Bread kind of disagrees with me so I quite like the fact they're gluten-free! :) And will def be getting some of that shredded beef :D

Battening down the hatches here in preparation for the storm, here's hoping it's just the weathermen exaggerating ;) xx
Been thinking of wrap related goodies all day to try with them lol! They are high fibre but because they are gluten free them seem like white rather than wholemeal making them even better I think!! xx
Been thinking of wrap related goodies all day to try with them lol! They are high fibre but because they are gluten free them seem like white rather than wholemeal making them even better I think!! xx

They are amazing! Had a proper fajita for first time in ages! Using mine for sandwiches, pizzas, enchilada, fajita....nom!
With you on that one! I still don't actually like wholemeal bread so anything I can have that's white and still allowable (e.g. the WW petit pains) quickly becomes a firm favourite! :D

Well I've done it, a 100% day, finally! :D

Exercise: 3km run
Breakfast: Magic Pancakes (HEB) with Strawberries, Raspberries & Natural Yogurt
Snacks: 3 slices of Chickpea Dahl Loaf, Pineapple, 5 Laughing Cow Light Triangles (HEA)
Dinner: Pork Sunday Roast with Roast Spuds, Butternut Squash & Parsnips, Sugarsnap Peas, Yorkshire Puddings (4) & Gravy (1.5), Sugarfree Lemonade


Summary (EE): 1 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 5.5 Syns, Run

I'd like to know what this drama is about a storm?! I get conflicting stories!! xx

I think we're going to have a windy morning here oop north, and that's about as exciting as it gets! It should have hit you by now if it's going to I think! x
Haha, I love the overexaggeratedness of the weather! :D Just a bit rainy here, about the usual for Manchester!!

Well I am so proud, another on plan day despite it being a fairly long and stressful one! Please god let this be the start of a good run for me! I even made it to the gym after work despite working such a long day!! :D

I had an interview today at lunchtime for a new job, and the woman interviewing me was soooo hard to read, so not sure at all how I got on, we'll just have to wait and see. Then I had to meet with my old manager to discuss my return to my old department (booooo) which I was dreading, but it wasn't too bad - she understands that I have no desire to be in that role and has promised to let me apply for other roles internally, so hopefully I won't get stuck there for too long even if I don't find anything new externally. I'm really hoping this is going to be one of those situations where my dream job comes up and I'm able to apply, right place right time style - maybe will go and read my horoscope and see if it's predicting good things for me haha!

So food...

Breakfast: Banana, Toffee Yogurt, Tea (0.5)
Snacks: Tea (0.5), Apple, Almonds (HEB)
Lunch: Baked Potato with Butter (2.5) and Cheese (HEA)
Snacks: Satsumas
Exercise: Gym (Bike)
Dinner: Leftover Roast Pork, Potatoes and Veggies, with gravy (1)
Snacks: Pineapple

Summary (EE): 1 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 4.5 Syns, Gym

Hope you've all had good non-stormy Mondays ;) x
Evening ladies!

I've had another 100% day, yay! :D 3 in a row! And started it off with a good gym session this morning, did a 10 min run with 6 of the mins at 2kmph faster than I normally run, my cardio fitness is definitely improving again!

Exercise: Gym (Run & Bike)
Breakfast: Banana, Yogurt, Granola (2), Tea (0.5)
Snacks: Grapes
Lunch: Roast Pork Roll (HEB) with Salad and Mayo (1), Tea (0.5)
Snacks: Apple, Slice of Chickpea Dahl Loaf
Dinner: Mac n Cheese (HEA)

Summary (EE): 1 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 4 Syns, Gym

Hey babe! Your weeks have sounded like mine recently too - argh!! Well done on 3 days on plan though, that is a win I say!

I have been so up and down, good for a few days then it wobbles again! I somehow miraculously STS at my group on Monday though (thought I was in for a good 2lb gain at least!!) and have promised myself I will try my best to stay to group next week too no matter if I gain or STS, but am trying to get a wee loss, I need to get back on track!!!

I also would like to feel more comfortable in a dress for Xmas time, a size 12 would DELIGHT me!!

Here's to another good day.....