I have to admit hun, that reading your diary, I agree with what has been said, most of your daily points are the snacks at the end of the day (or maybe they are through the day). BUT, having said that, that is the beauty of ww, if you are more of a junky eater, you can be, but I think what you need to do is start to really try and up the lower point good foods like fruit and veg. In fact the majority of the days you dont have any?? You will probably still lose the weight the way you are eating, but it will come back and kick you up the bum by not eating better foods. You are prob lucky now, but all you are doing is giving yourself sugar spikes. How bout making a big pot of free soup to keep in fridge. (dont know your job or anything, but could you bring the soup in a flask to work). Breakfast could be couple boiled eggs and crispbreads. You can eat low pointed, but eat loads and healthily. More veg at dinner young lady!!!
I hope you dont mind me commenting, but you did ask!! As I said at the start, you will still lose, but in the long run, your body wont like it.
Hugs. (and I love pastilles too, specially the blackcurrant ones!!!).