i correct myself as thursday night was not the worst night of my life with my pain, it was friday. i couldn't cope at all, in agony. tried a hot water bottle but nothing worked. hubby ended up calling nhs direct
got a call back from a dental nurse about 11pm and she said that the infection was probably trapped with no way out as the tooth had been packed. no wonder i was in agony. she gave me a number to ring the following day of an emergency dentist. told me i might have to have more antibiotics.
anyway i over did the drugs a bit and felt like rubbish on saturday - dizzy, sick etc, it was the tramadol. took me the best part of saturday to get over it but the pain was gone and i managed to eat lots of things and felt a bit better.
my tooth is still hurting, a bit painful, like throbbing but i no longer need the med, apart from the antibiotics.
getting back on track has taken longer than i expected and i didn't get back on sort of track until sunday. i've been trying to do the 810 but i just can't do it. argh! it's too hard
so i've had a few protein type snacks to keep me going in the right direction. 1000 plan again from tomorrow. the drugs make me retain water so i'm hoping that it'll come off by tomorrow and my weight in.
as far as exercise goes....
i ran on sunday last week did 3 miles, then again on the wednesday as my tooth wasn't hurting as much but no gym tuesday or thursday, no run on friday and didn't manage to get back to running until sunday and i did 3.55miles in 40 mins. ran with the dog. so the dog had a good time. i'm going to get a running pram within the next 2 weeks so i can go out every day. my parents are away so no body to look after dudey. couldn't go swimming tonight with him as i had no body to look after ems.
need some mojo to get my weight off now. i'm planning on loosing the rest of my weight to get to target by 31st may. i need june to be a focus on running and loosing my last half stone to stone.