nikki's diary - closed...... moved over to maintenance to test the water!

p.s no tooth pain. tooth is wobbly though :eek:
up and down - that's my weight at the moment. up 3/4lb then down 1/2lbs. been really busy the past few weeks. been an another course of antibiotics which i believe has made me uncontrollably HUNGRY! wish i was back into ketosis.

anyway, got to get back to it properly. stop messing around.

it starts tomorrow.
keep going great things although it does seem like you have your plate full already (pardon the pun). just do your best. us mums have it hard enough so dont beat yourself up!
thanks :D. just can't get over feeling so hungry. don't know why. it's so annoying.

had matthew off nursery for a week now. he's got hand foot and mouth :( he's happy in himself but he's got so many spots all over... bit like chicken pox but not itchy. it's annoying to think that he got it at nursery and he's missed nursery so we can kiss those sessions goodbye!

ems is driving me up the wall. it's only the 2nd day that she's off school and already i could kill her. thinking of booking her in to nursery on thur and fri pm if it continues. argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

give me strength!!!!!!!! still not 100% CD plan 1000/1200 so far...

cd brekkie
2 bananas
1 apple
green salad
1 babybell light cheese (oops)
2 americanos and
1 skim milk cappucino medium (oops)
1 coke zero
2 pints of water down.

result.... very very very hungry still. :(

1 CD left
1 x tea left
2 pints of water left
p.s going stir crazy a i've not gone out for a run today but i've not had the chance and i'm really tired.

did my run on sunday 4 miles.

had body combat last night.

think i'm going to have to go out 6am again to get these runs in. need to do one wed, fri and then RFL on sunday.

body pump wed pm
still not 100% CD plan 1000/1200 so far continued...

cd brekkie
2 bananas
1 apple
green salad
1 babybell light cheese (oops)
2 americanos and
1 skim milk cappucino medium (oops)
1 coke zero
2 pints of water down
1 salad with cottage cheese and pasta
2 more pints of water
1 cd bar
1 more apple (oops)

not too bad! 3 x opps! :( must try harder.

more food and exercise (+ mood)

tired from a bad nights sleep but feel good thanks to my run.

2.6mile run - 350 cals burnt time took 27mins

food and drink:-
1 small banana
1 slice of brown bread
1 large egg
2 pints of water
2 coffees

weight dropped overnight... 1lb - need to go to the looooooooooooooooooo :p
well done nicki. you seem to be really going great guns with the running. i dont know how you dont lose more with your running???
hi leeds, i don't know either than i may have eaten too many crisps and drank a few too many largers at the weekend :(

anyway, cancelled my body pump class tonight... C.B.A :p too tired after a poor nights sleep. not beating myself up. i've a gym session P.T tomorrow plus a possible pump class tomorrow, gym friday and will fit in another run. RFL sunday.

food continued.

food and drink:-
1 small banana (before run) (70cals aprox)
1 slice of brown bread (100 cals apx)
1 large egg (70cals apx)
CD shake (143 cals)
green salad (0 cals)
salad for tea with tuna and pasta and apple (460cals apx)

2 babybell light (opps) (80cals apx)
2 apples (opps) but i was hungry (100cals)
4 pints of water
4 coffees (milk 100 cals)

cd left (173cals apx). do i do a bar or a shake? really want a bar but might have a shake for cal content.

feeling bloated round my tummy area.

total cals - 1296 apx more than the 1000 or 1200 plan!
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very tired. woke up at 5.30am need the loo, didn't get back to sleep. :-(

PT session and possible body pump. rest from running.

weight:- down another lb! :)

food and drink:-
coffee x 2
wow! well done on losing. i seem to have gained on the 810, is this normal??? hoping it will come off when i go back to ss next week.
the 810 can be strange. you would seem to either STS or put on but usually by the end of the week you have lost around 2-4lb.
stressed, depressed, upset and tired

my mum has been to the diabetic foot clinic today as the docs surgery has finally taken over care and forwarded her on. the pediatrists (sp?) was shocked. her back of her foot is so bad with the diabetic ulcer that they rate her with very little chance of it healing up. 99% positive that it won't heal. she needs her legs doing first to aide healing of her foot but they won't do that as she's too high risk. it sounds to me like she will loose her foot or leg regardless of which option they do. :cry: i'm so angry at this as it's been going on for ages. she's been told to loose weight but with little mobility she is finding it impossible. she has had 5 strokes and has diabetise and is also practically immobile. she fell over in her bedroom this morning and my dad went to help after she'd been shouting for ages as he just hadn't heard her. he's 71 and really struggled to lift her up. it's a nightmare. he's worried and stressed and was almost in tears. he's off to the docs for something tomorrow. they both have social workers so i'm going to phone them both tomorrow. something needs sorting and extra help is needed as my mum's situation has got drastically worse.


practically bog all! had PT session... involved a few weights etc legs were massively wobbly after could hardly drive the car. he said i should ache tomorrow. i've a run at 6am tomorrow morning. so we'll see how things are.


been eating a few bits i shouldn't as i'm stressed etc. anyway here goes with an attempt at aprox cal counting it.

porridge 150cal
banana 70cal
coffee x 2

green salad
CD shake 143 cals

salad as yesterday with apple 450cals
cd bar 173 cals

babybel x 2 80cals
apples x 3 150cals
garlic bread 150cals (2 end bits - not fully sure)
milk 100cals

total for the day 1466cals :(

too many opps today but i'm eating from mood today. everything was ok til this pm.

was in quite a jolly mood til ems started demanding then i got into a bad mood, now pretty positive but still slightly tired.


2.60 miles in 27.41 mins 350 cals burnt.
gym later but not sure what to do there as i'm not running on the treadmills anymore. will have to be inventive and do some other things.


up 2lbs today but my fingers felt fat and puffy so think it's water retention. i wasn't THAT BAD yesterday! :(


porridge 150cal
banana 70 cals
coffee x 1
pints of water x 2 (1 before run so that i don't need to take water out with me and 1 after my fun to re-hydrate)
tuna nicoise salad 400 cals aprox
this is where it went wrong.....
salad with 2 slices of take out pizza
mini hargen daz tub
CD bar
2 pints of water.

been an extremely stressful day. mum went to the doc and he admitted her to hospital. an ambulance came to get her as the infection is spreading up her leg. in the end the hospital didn't admit her but i've been running round trying to do the jobs that my dad was going to do today and stressing about the situation. my mum now has an IV in her arm and has had IV antibiotics today. more tomorrow and sunday with the district nurse and back at hospital monday. they've drawn a mark around her leg with pen so see if the infection goes up the leg or starts to go down again. i'm not a happy person. :(
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not too bad food day bit still ate some wrong stuff.

2 of slices of bread, breadbun, a few nuts and a blueberry muffin on top of my reg food but i had no shakes. was mega busy and out most of the day. so i recon i had around 1800 cals. i think my MBR cals is around 1700 then my exercise on top.
p.s weigh has gone up but not down again. :( so i'm thinking no loss this week. i've even turned down beer and wine this weekend as i've got my run today and it's not good for my weight either. did some swimming yesterday with the kids in the gym's outside heated pool. was fantastic.
hiya! so sorry to hear of your mum. and feel so sad for your poor dad. hope things improve for you, do you have any other siblings who can help?

dont worry about diet for now, you seem to have a pretty stable handle on the food and exercise at the moment so dont pressure yourself.
Race For Life day and a personal best for me!

ran the 5km in 29mins and 40secs. so happy! i really wanted to be able to do it in under 30mins and i did! yeah!!!!!
right today

tired, again i was awake at 5.30am and didn't go to bed until 11.30pm. i got playing a new app on my phone..... plants v zombies.... how sad :D

swam with dude.
did housework.
went food shopping then did
a body combat class.... aprox cals burnt 350cals (average it to heavy intensity)
worn out now.

food with aprox cal count:
CD shake 143cal
apples x 3 150cals
milk allowance 100cal
green salad for dinner 0 cal
babybel x 2 80 cals
handful of nuts 50cals (couldn't resist)
salad with cottage cheese and 40g pasta dry weight. 450cals
apple 50cals
cd porridge 143cals
4 pints of water
coke zero
sugar free chewing gum x 1 pk.
banana 70cals 1236 cals... rounded to 1250cals.

felt very very hungry ALL day! :(

no change from last weeks weigh in.