nikki's diary - closed...... moved over to maintenance to test the water!

weigh day today and i've put on weight since last time. totally sick. i just don't understand it. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Morning Nikki, sorry I haven't been posting. I've been slack as my head and heart just aren't in it! It's too depressing reading how others are doing and posting cheery

But it sounds like you've had a really rough week. So sorry to hear about your mum, is there any news on the infection? Is it going down? I don't think social do enough to help those who need it. My gran has a stroke and was left paralyses on one side. Although she lives by herself and manages fine, that is only with modifications such as a stair lift, bath chair, toilet handles etc. All of which she ended up spending her savings on as the state were taking so long about it. She even ended up buying her own wheelchair?! Not right is it.

Congrats on your run, personal best, you must be chuffed? When is next one?

Oh and I want to know how on earth you got such a high score on Bejewelled? I managed to get £317k last night, but that was complete fluke and luck. And after many, many hours of wasted playing. That's the second time I've heard plants and zombies being mentioned, I might have to have a look at that one. Bejewelled is doing my head in!

Oh and apple have announced the iphone 4 today, but we will be able to download the updated software for it and that allows the iphone to play Farmville (if your a farmville junkie as well?).

Try to keep your spirits up, I'll try to pop in a bit more often. I'm back on day 1 CD today and it's my last go at it. If I can't complete a whole week this time than that's it for me and CD for good.
oh no!!! i know i should be more positive but you SHOULD be losing, you eat well and exercise.. maybe its one of those freak weeks where you gain? or maybe its time for you to look at SW or WW?
well i put on 1/4lb so back up to 11st 12.75lb :( :cry: i should be going down leeds but not up up up, it should be falling off me but it isn't. just had a blow out of stuff i've been staying totally away from. so today i've had a peanut CD bar, 2 slices of toast with scambled egg, apple, a few biscuits and a home cooked curry using m&s jar with rice and naan and i've just had a packet of crisps. totally out of the window today. back to it tomorrow. :)

hi kez, mum's infection is going down but she's starting to feel sick from all the antibiotics. not good as she's diabetic. my mum's also had 5 strokes so her balance has been deeply affected which makes getting around even worse with her legs the way they are. the council have fitted a 2nd rail to the stairs for her and have put a couple of steps with a hand rail on the outside to help her get into the house. she's pulling the sink off the wall in the downstairs bathroom as she's using this to get up off the loo. i'm going to phone her social worker person tomorrow and get them to come out asap.

my next race isn't until september.... the beginning - first sunday i think. then after that it's the 13.1 mile half marathon just 2 weeks later.

bejewelled... i play it on my iphone and you have to be quick, really quick and get up the jewels quick. 2 or 3 x score isn't enough you need 5 to 6 and you need to go into blast zone where the screen lights up and everything blows up that you join. got a high 400k+ score before.

i saw iphone advertised and think that i'll be getting one when the contract is up on my phone as mine's not the current out now it's the one before. bought it dec 2008.
right. i might have discovered the 'problem' part of my diet. i'm thinking it could be the balsamic vinegar that i've been putting on my salad. i can't find a calorie or nutri value thing anywhere for it. very frustrating. it's made with red wine vinegar, fermented grapes and a couple of other things. it's quite sweet but very delish and very morish!

got my running pram today :) very happy although the rain cover is missing so they'll be forwarding one to the shop for me asap. looks like a beast, fabulous :D

exercise: ran today. got up for a wee at 6am so thought that i might as well grab the morning and went out, as usual about 6.30am. ran for 28 mins and burnt 350 cals off.

mood: tired as always but quite happy. been a good day.


cd brekkie 150 apx
porridge dinner 150
apples x 3 150
salad with ff dressing, pasta and apple tea 450
milk 150
cd 150 supper

total 1200 now had an extra apple +50cals
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For a serving size of 255g, the content is 224kcals, 59mg sodium, 38g sugar and 43g carbs.
hi kez

see that's the thing. it isn't just any old balsamic vinegar. it's a specialised one. belazu. so i think it may differ in nutri value. been cutting it out anyway. hoping to loose something this week and then my theory would be finalised.

mood:- good

exercise:- gym -250cals


cd brekkie 150
apples 150
babybel 40
sarnie for lunch 380
salad for tea 300
cd 150
milk 100
6 pints of water

total 1270 cals for today

hosted my dinner party last night and i'm suffering last night and now. also had some fantastic wine. i hadn't drank for a while and it literally went to my head but still managed a bottle :eek: very naughty. so result is i've got water retention and have put on 3lbs overnight.


exercise:- ran 4 miles and 500cals burnt
mood:- good
diet:- started to keep record then it went out of the window a bit but here goes. i'll start with what i wrote down, then go onto my dinner party.

cd 150c
banana x 2 140c
porridge 150c
apple 40c
cd 150c
ww rich toffee bar (was hanging around in my fridge from xmas and they're lovely)100c

a few nachos 100c
tomatoes, mozzerella and basil starter on thinly sliced toasted ciabata bread 300c (?)
pasta with peppers in greek yoghurt 500c
strawberry shortcake with cream (shortbread bisc with whipped cream and strawberries with 90% dark choc grated over it) 300c
full bottle of wine 600c ouch!

5 pints of water

total - i pedict something daft...

2280 cals :eek: then -500cals thank goodness :)
been a bit lax writing stuff down. but.....

well after the dinner party i a) had a headache the following morning and b) felt stuffed all day long!

saturday's food etc diary entry

mood:- ok but tired.

exercise:- zilch! day of total rest.


cd 150
lunch - omlette with salad and carb portion 450
salad and cottage cheese 300
cd 150
banana 70
bread 100
milk 100
water 4pts

total cals 1320
sunday stuff....

mood:- good

exercise:- 4.75 miles in 52 mins 600c burnt off


cd 150
banana 170
porridge 150
apple 150
bread 70
salad, cottage cheese 300
square of 90% dark choc 50
babybel 40
almond nuts 50
cd 150
milk 100
water 4pts

total cals:- 1230 cals
well my weight just seems to be going up and up and i just don't know what to do other than drop to the 810 again! thing is i do that much exercise that i would burn almost all of that off when i exercise.

what should i do? just calculated my ww points and i'd be on 21 now excluding any exercise that i would do and yesterday i had 19 1/2 points to eat. so i'd have 1 1/2 left plus my active points. so why then am i NOT loosing? i'm not eating more than 3500 extra calories a day and that is what it takes to put on a pound in weight a week. just so pi$$ed off.
A good loss this week and only a small amount left to go. thinking of doing 810 for a week to bash my goal and then i just don't know what to do. i really want to go lower but don't think i can continue like this. been looking into going back on ww.

talking to CDC today and she thinks that the amount you can eat on the 1200 is fine but for me i don't think it is. now maybe i am greedy but as i calculate the points i can have (21) and what i'm eating i would still have points left on ww and i would have earned activity points too.

one more week of 810 then if i'm at goal i'll start to experiment with ww again. been working out that if i had the following i should be still loosing weight, very slowly but that isn't too bad, and have more to eat.

so ww 21 points ....

breakkie - porridge 1.5 points
latte 1 point (2.5pts)

lunch - salad with tuna 5 points (7.5pts)
yog 1 point (8.5pts)
apple 1/2pt (9pts)

tea - spag bol without pasta 3 points (large pan) (12pts)
banana or ww biscuit 1 point (13pts)

snacks - 2 bananas 2 points (15pts)
2 apples - 1 point (16pts)
ww crisps 1 point (17pts) and still 4 more to go without adding in any activity points.


by the way cd products are about 2 ww points each.
here are my measurements from about several weeks ago...

hips 42in (107cm) makes me a size 16
top of thigh 23in
waist 33in (84cm) makes me a size 16
bust 40in (102cm) makes me a size 16
top of arm 13in
wrist 7in
ankle 10in

from a month or so ago, measurements are as follows

hips 41in
top of thigh 23in
waist 32in
bust 38in
top of arm 12in

from today:-

hips 38" - total lost so far - 4" (12/14)
waist 30'' - tsf - 3" but 10" as from cdc measurement (14)
bust 38'' - tsf - 2" (14/16)

making me roughly a size 14!
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right. missed out the past few days. so here goes, tried to do 810 but just didn't happen, too low.

wednesday's food:-

cd x 3 - 450 cals (6 ww pts)
babybel light cheese x 3 - 120 cals (3 ww pts)
cottage cheese and salad no carbs, apple - 300cals (5.5ww pts)
milk 100 cals
babybel light x 2 (just before bed, don't know why i did it!) 80 cals (2 ww pts)
water x 5 pts

total cals 1050
ww pts 16.5 (have 4.5 left)
exercise -350 cals


thursday's food

cd x 3 450 (6pts)
banana x 3 210 cals (3 pts)
yog - muller light - 100 cals (1 pts)
tea as yesterday 300cals (5.5pts)
milk 100 cals
water 5 pts
diet coke 1 pint

total calories 1160 cals
ww pts 15.5 (5.5 left)
exercise -830 cals - from a 4 mile run 500 cals and from an hours bike in the gym 330 cals
Hey Nikki, your measurements are fab, I might have to go and check on mine again. It's good to keep track of measurements.

Well done for your Race for Life by the way. I'm going to watch my friend do it at Ormesby Hall tomorrow night. I've promised her I'll do it with her next year, she's so competetive lol! I hate running, and I'm really not a born runner so it's going to be a huge challenge for me. I can't wait to get back to target so I can get back to the gym and swimming again. I thought I'd enjoy the break but it's killing me. But I can't go back until I'm working back up the plans or the amount of exercise I'd have to do to maintain my weight will be unachievable. I love exercising, but even I have to draw the line at moving into the gym lol.
moving into the gym, now that would be an idea. i just carried on with my exercise regime and it is a regime too. only day i tend not to exercise on is a saturday. i think that exercise might have made my losses slower but i am thinking of changing my contraception device as i don't think the hormones are doing me any good. not much choice really.... copper coil or steralisation really! neither of which i'm too happy about.
I had wondered if it was my contraception thats slowed me down this time but either way it's been slow going, and I'm not going to change mine because it suits me now. I'll just keep plodding on til the end and then get back to the gym ASAP!!
I just noticed in one of your diaries it says you ate 1160 kcals and burnt 830kcals in exercise. That means your only taking in 330kcals. That's less that SS? Is that right, or am I misreading?
nope that's right and the following day i'd put on 3lb. so pi$$ed off :-( not coming off despite trying really hard.
got a cold. want to eat the contents of the house despite everything being tasteless, this is not helped by the fact i nearly choked on my salad tonight.