nikki's diary - closed...... moved over to maintenance to test the water!


I just saw your post on Leeds thread re your Thyroid. Do you know what your actual levels are? Sometimes they can come back in the normal range but it may still be enough to affect you as you are not exactly the same as the rest of the population ;)

Some Drs take the results as gospel sadly, Without taking into account that we`re all different :(

I would go back to your Dr and ask to be checked again then ask about the actual levels etc when your results come back. You could always ask if they can let you try a small dose of Thyroxine to see if it makes a difference.

Good Luck,

LiSe Xx
don't know what my levels are.... just said 'normal'. always tired, always have been. takes a lot to get up and go. always get part way through my run and feel like i'm about to pop my clogs. lol.

just went online and found a quizz... lol

said this... You answered 21 items out of 33 in a way that indicates thyroid risks and symptoms.

Your score is 64%. You definitely have some thyroid risk factors and symptoms that could be affecting your weight. Have this checked out fairly soon.
i know that this is really bad but when i was young i was positive i had thyroid problems. got tests, always normal. did a low cal cup a soup diet and ate no more than 500 cals a day in cup a soups. didn't loose weight. got told my doc (endrincologist (sp?)) that i was either lying or deluding myself. my mum had seen me do it and couldn't believe what i told her.

find it hard to loose weight. this diet has been a godsend for me as i think the low carb nature helps. carbs are a big problem to me and i crave them constantly.

Losing Weight with Hypothyroidism: How an Underactive Thyroid Can Affect Weight Loss interesting
meant to mention too....

a few years ago when i did the Cd there was a big thing about alpha lipoic acid tablets being useful in the maintenance of post diet success. apparently it helps with the losses and keeps your body functioning in diet mode for longer thus helping with the maintenance part of your diet.

found mine in the back of the cupboard. didn't have a chance to try it out last time as i got pregnant and you're not allowed to use them when pregnant.
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Ooh that sounds very interesting, might have to invest in some of them when I ever get to maintainance. I put on 4lbs this week but I'm pleased with that considering the week I've had.

I felt absolutely dreadful yesterday, don't even remember driving home, which is a little bit scarey, but I got here in once peice and went straight to bed. I got some Lemsip, because I felt so ill ketosis didn't matter at all, I just wanted to feel better. Anyway I'm much better this afternoon, and the pharmacist has given me some superstrong cold remedy for tomorrow and he said I should be fine by Friday yay!!

Hope you're okay today, is it your appointment for your hip tomorrow? Hope that goes okay! x
yep appointment with the chiropractor. hopefully she'll do something for me. then there's always physio and sports therapist.

can't believe what i've nearly done. loosing the plot. a piece of lettuce dropped off my plate onto the chair. bent down to pick it up to eat it and picked up a large thick blade of grass and nearly ate it. what am i coming to if i nearly eat grass????? :eek:
anyway back from body pump class. so butt and leg movement today is a 5 mile run and a body pump class.

was going to go for a run tomorrow but think i'll wait til friday and see if i can do something with my hip. might have to resort to tramadol :eek:
don't you just love fat families. sky 1 now!
He he watching it now, It makes me feel so much better about myself!!! I love Steve Miller he's so brutally honest, maybe he needs to come and live with me for a bit.

Oh and lay off the grass Nikki, I know you're hungry hun, but grass?? I'm the ill one, hallucinating and stuff is my thing lol. If you want a snack that badly at least go for the good stuff and have a mud pie :D
:D grass.... i'm like a flippen dog... oh, did i actually say that???? :eek:
don't know what my levels are.... just said 'normal'. always tired, always have been. takes a lot to get up and go. always get part way through my run and feel like i'm about to pop my clogs. lol.

just went online and found a quizz... lol

said this... You answered 21 items out of 33 in a way that indicates thyroid risks and symptoms.

Your score is 64%. You definitely have some thyroid risk factors and symptoms that could be affecting your weight. Have this checked out fairly soon.

I would definately ask to be checked again - Ask them to check both T3 and T4 and find out your levels and how far within "normal" they are.

It may be that you`re borderline or only just within normal limits, which on papers seems fine but isn`t for YOU.

I would also ask if you could maybe try the lowest dose of Thyroxine to see if it makes a difference.

Another thing to check is your Vit B12 levels.

Good luck x
I wish I could say I'm not fat, I have a thyroid problem. But sadly, I'm just fat! Lol
hi nicki - hope today goes well for you
i think i do an amazing amount of exercise and don't eat too bad so it is a mystery that i don't loose massive amounts all the time and am not a stick. maybe i just think i push myself and i don't really!

tried to calculate the amount of hours exercise i've done this week so far....

sunday - 1hr 10 mins running
monday - 2 hours of classes, pump and combat (swimming with dude for 30 mins)
tuesday - 1 hours gym time
wednesday - 1 hours run and 1 hour pump class
today - 1 hours gym time

total so far:- 7 hours and 10 mins

you can't slack off in classes as people notice :) i just think i don't sweat as much as anyone else, never do regardless of if i do a 10 mile run or a 3 mile run. under the arms i do and have had probs and needed special deodorant which burns and hurts so much i just don't use it.

then tomorrow it's an hours run again, body pump class again for 1 hour sat day of rest. (so again it'll be another 9 hour week).

if you say on average i burn 300 cals per hour (more if i'm running but on average say) then that's 9 x 300 = 2700 cals a week. which is not far off 3500 needed to loose a pound. however, i'm back in the 12st range this morning. have had 2 days of eating sort of what i felt like but within reason. not gone crazy, not had bad foods just maybe an ice lolly every day (65 cals), had tuna steak and salad last night with soya chilli sauce from M&S (say 500 cals as i just don't know), a couple of weight watchers biscuits at 1.5 points each (probably 200 cals???). plus a glass of wine (150-200 cals). but massively bad but i could have done better. i wouldn't say that i've gone over 2000 cals on any day at all i tend to stick between 1400-1600 cals on average.

well back to the borderline to get my weight down and controlled again.

my doc is useless too.... chocolate fireguard.
p.s i'm always anaemic too. forever on tablets.

i do find a difference in my energy levels when i take sea kelp.
Funny, I was going to suggest sea kelp. It's meant to be very good for the digestion as well.
really want wine :( feel down.
Got letter from hospital, regarding my visit recently for bleeding bout 6 weeks before depo injection was due and looks like I have to have yet more antibiotics as I've a grp b strep problem. Looks like a uti!
Don't feel down :(