nikki's diary - closed...... moved over to maintenance to test the water!

I have been reading parts of your diary since I decided to start Cambridge when I get the all clear from doctor. Your determination and will power utterly amaze me. If I succeed half as much as you I will be pleased. Not sure if I will be able to do all that fitness though due to work and kids, how do you think you would have done without so much exercise once you started eating again? People keep telling me not to do this diet as I will put all the weight back on when I stop. Surely if I eat sensibly after I have lost my weight it shouldn't go back on? What do you think? PJ x
i think my diet trip might have been quicker if i hadn't have done so much exercise but for maintenance i think that you do need to do it.

you can put weight back on on any diet. i've done diets in the past and lost loads over a year and then it's gone back on again. i think that you constantly have to watch what you are eating. Cd is good as it gives you great losses very quickly and you feel very motivated when you see a difference and feel a difference.

keeping it off is hard with any diet too.

at the moment i'm sort of in looking at what i'm eating very carefully and since i did weight watchers first i'm pointing out what i eat too.

today i had a sarnie at costa. i looked at quite a few of what i liked to see what the calorie count was and choose one that was the lowest. i liked it and enjoyed eating it and it was 270 calories. i would loved to have had a blueberry muffin but at 480 calories i can't justify it. that's like 7 bananas (almost), or nearly 10 apples, beans on toast is less as is 2 scrambled eggs on a slice of brown toast all of which as much more filling than this blueberry muffin.

i think you need to compromise too. have something you fancy and work it into the plan for the day/week. :D
stressful day..... :(

gob munchies -

brekkie - cd bar 170 cals (3pts)
half banana 35 cals (0.5 pts)
lunch - tuna salad sarnie 275 cals (4.5pts)
ww biscs 170 cals (3pts)
banana x 3 210 cals (3pts)
grapes 25 cals (.5pts)
bread 100 cals (1pt)
milk 200 cals (1pt)
tea - veggie and quorn curry 350 cals (3pts)

running total cals:- 1535 cals :(
running total points:- 19.5pts

bum and leg movement - 4 mile run 400 cals

gob munchies:-

brekkie - porridge 150 cals (1.5 pts)

had a couple of hot chocs last night. felt totally in need. mind the scales have dropped today. so more cals might be an answer. also i drank more milk too. argh! it's all just so complicated :confused:
hi nickki. hope the stress yesterday wasnt too bad. i am having a bad time at work and not been sleeping at all! hope today is good for you. maybe WW can kick your body into touch?

thanks for all your support on my diary. it makes all the difference some days. xx
looking at ww, and maybe it can. just feel a lean to cd too strongly at the min :(

gob munchies cont....

brekkie - porridge 150
post run - banana 70 cals
lunch - beans on toast 300 cals
apple 50 cals
snacks - mini twister 50
biscuit 100 cals
coffee 50 cals
tea - veg and quorn curry 400 cals
bread 100 cals
mini muffin (costa) 50 cals
milk 100 cals

total cals 1420 cals
total points 14.5 (used iwatchr on my iphone to calculate it)

bum and leg movement - 3.25 mile run 400 cals (4.5 bonus exercise points) burnt.
is wondering if this is me :(

Adrenal Exhaustion and Adrenal Fatigue

been massively craving salt for weeks now, also realised that i could quite easily eat loads of cheese if given half the chance (just don't let myself). most symptoms fit too.
when do the results from the doc come in? i think you need a bit more food. what happens when you move to about 2000 cals?
hi leeds

if i eat 1500 cals i'm fine if i move up, esp if i don't do any exercise at all i gain. over the weekend i've been pretty bad. friday was going ok til we went to hubby's parents and i had 3 glasses of white wine and some crisps and nuts (was really craving salty things) and sunday wasn't too bad but went to the pics to see a flick and had some salted popcorn and some minstrals (medium popcorn and half pack of minstrals) and today i've put on 3lb on the scales. baring in mind i've been banking calories from exercise all week too.

blood test is wednesday, it was the first opportunity i had to get it done as they only do it mon, wed, fri am only and my app with doc was thursday - friday was booked, i'm out on a school all day from 9-3.30 so wednesday it is. probably wait a week or so for the results to come back.

anyway -

gob munchies:-
brekkie - cd bar 170 cals
lunch - scrambled egg on toast 400 cals
snacks so far - 3 biscuits 150 cals (was putting shopping away and had 3 to 'try' them :eek:)

leg and bum movement - 7.66 miles (so just over 7 1/2 miles), took me 1 hour and 25 mins and burnt off 993 cals.
Hi Nikki, just dropping in and catching up. I think it's good you've gone back for more bloods to be done. There must be a sensible reason why you can't drop those last few lbs, it's not for a lack of trying is it?
Oh my god Nikki, just read the adrenal fatigue thing. I have tons of those sypmtoms from the top list too... I'm really craving salty food (and I could eat cheese and meat all day). I know I'm a bit deficient in salt at the moment because I've been having horrific cramps in my calves recently. I think I'm going to blame the amount of salty junk I've eaten over the weekend and withdrawing from it now is bound to have upset my electrolyte balance. I'm sure it'll even out in the next couple of days.

How're you getting on anyway? I spent the best part of half an hour chasing the damn fly earlier I'm sure that counts as exercise lol. Did you get that weird rain storm earlier? It was chucking it down but sunny at the same time very weird. My friends hubby was out running at the time, I tried really hard not to laugh when I saw him run past like a drowned rat, bless him xxx
hi nicki, not heard from you for a while. hope you are well.
Oh my god Nikki, just read the adrenal fatigue thing. I have tons of those sypmtoms from the top list too... I'm really craving salty food (and I could eat cheese and meat all day). I know I'm a bit deficient in salt at the moment because I've been having horrific cramps in my calves recently. I think I'm going to blame the amount of salty junk I've eaten over the weekend and withdrawing from it now is bound to have upset my electrolyte balance. I'm sure it'll even out in the next couple of days.

How're you getting on anyway? I spent the best part of half an hour chasing the damn fly earlier I'm sure that counts as exercise lol. Did you get that weird rain storm earlier? It was chucking it down but sunny at the same time very weird. My friends hubby was out running at the time, I tried really hard not to laugh when I saw him run past like a drowned rat, bless him xxx


i've been a bit lax writing in my diary. it just seem to be the same old same old thing. i'm doing ok.

no massive rain storm but massive the day before, just like your pictures on FB around our area. no sun. mind i've been inside a lot - either in the gym or baking cakes with little legs 1. couldn't help but lick out the bowl with her. then on to flapjack baking... so bad :eek: very tasty but disasterous in the oven when it exploded all over the inside as i'd over filled the tray. nevermind dog food for molly and she liked it.

had a big blow out for me at the weekend, 3 glasses of wine, MIL fab flapjacks, nothing major but it all seems to affect my weight really badly. went up 3lbs. back down almost now. weigh in on monday :( :) can't decide which smiley.

i hate running in the rain and make myself do it every so often. been copping out and running lots at the gym cause i just don't seem to have time to do my 4 runs so 2 happen to be in the gym right now and i'm stuck for time. 50 mins max. which is 4.5 miles. i hate being wet to the bone when running. only happened once and that is this year doing the RFL at hartlepool my glasses were so bad that i could hardly see out of them. brave to go out in the rain like that. mind when you're out there and it's hot you pray for rain.

i saw you managed to catch that fly. what a mess too. my mum had a zapper thing and it was great when the flies flew to it, many avoided it. it made quite a mess though.

we've got some crazy flies here too. last night at body pump i had something flying round me and i'm paranoid about wasps and bees so i started to flick my hair, wriggle my arms around as i couldn't see what it was. then i was dodgy around. must have looked very odd.

was talking to phil, he's trying to drop his body fat. said he stayed the same weight for 3 years. he'd lost lots then stayed the same. he's just finished doing some course about nutrition. he said that 2 body pump classes a week is best rather than go for more. so happy bout that. it all came about cause of my bl**dy polar watch. i do pump and the chap who wears one burns 700 cals in the class i burn 145 if i'm lucky. i can't believe it. it's cause my heart rate doesn't go up very much. stays around 90-115BMP resting is around 55-59bmp. running i can get it up in to the 160. so i don't know whether it's faulty or i've not set it right or whether i'm not burning much. he said i need to up my weights to get my heart rate up higher. max out. it should be killing me by the end where i can hardly lift the bar. i've only just started to up my weights so i'll be doing it gradually over the next few weeks and see. did squats with 20kg on my bar last night (10 each side). was great. didn't think i'd be able to lift it back off my shoulders though. lol

anyway, i've been reading the diaries on here but not responding. just feel very dispondant at the moment. also can't spell.
hi nicki, not heard from you for a while. hope you are well.

hi leeds

i'm fine just not feeling like i'm getting anywhere diet wise. seriously thinking that if i wasn't running as many miles as i am or doing as much exercise that i'd quite easily drop down the plans and get this last half stone to stone off quick.

off to declutter the kids playroom. needs painting as devil child 1 has draw all over the walls. next step. off to get paint later. blue and green.
aw, just glad you are doing ok(ish). i know what you mean though, this weight loss lark is hard work. i still cant believe i gained 14lbs on hol (some people here have 6 months off and come back 10lbs heavier, and i ate reasonably well!) and am still losing that. the alternative though is to just give up and pile it all on again! keep posting girl, and dont be down....i know that sounds really unconvincing doesnt it? its because i feel a bit crappy myself! haha.
on a sugar high. feel sick. went to cinema to see toy story 3 with devil child 1. had some salted pop corn and then ems was hungry so got some sweets and had some. i must have eaten 500 cals in rubbish. too much. mind the good thing is that before i wouldn't have felt sick.

the bonus is i ran 3 miles at the gym so burnt off about 300/350 cals there. a very small hole in the 500 cals.

toy story 3 is very sad :( had a little tear of 2.

came home to a message from the doctors to ring them. this usually means that i have a prescription to pick up cause there's something wrong with me. had bloods done yesterday, can they come back that quick? got told to phone in 5 days time. :eek:
reminding myself of this weeks training plan and those to go.

18.7.10 - this week
sunday 7 miles - actual 7.68 miles :D
monday 4 miles - was tuesday and was 4.5 miles :D
wednesday 5.5 miles - was thursday and was only 3 miles :(
friday 4.5 miles - actual 4.82 miles run.:D
(predicted milage - 21miles)
(actual miles - 20)

sunday 7.5 miles
monday 4.5 miles
wednesday 5.5 miles
thursday/friday 5 miles (predicted milage - 22miles)

sunday 8 miles
monday 5 miles
wednesday 6 miles
thursday/friday 5 miles (p.m - 23.5 miles)

sunday 8 miles
monday 5 miles
wednesday 6 miles
thursday/friday 6 miles (p.m - 25miles)

sunday 8.5 miles
monday 5 miles
wednesday 6.5 miles
thursday/friday 6 miles (p.m - 26miles)

sunday 9 miles
monday 5 miles
wednesday 6.5 miles
thursday/friday 6 miles (p.m - 26miles)

sunday 9.5 miles
monday 5.5 miles
wednesday 7 miles
thursday/friday 5 miles (p.m - 26.5 miles)

sunday 6 miles for middlesbrough 10k
monday 6 miles
wednesday 7 miles
thursday/friday 5 miles (p.m - 24 miles)

sunday 10 miles
monday 3 miles (slow paced)
wednesday 3 miles (fast and slow)
thursday 3 miles (very very slow almost fast walking pace)
friday and sat rest days involving lots of stretching (p.m - 19miles)

GNR day 13.1 miles
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cd bar 170 cals
banana 80 cals (250cals - total so far)
tuna salad 150 cals (400 cals - tsf)
cd bar 170 (570 - tsf)
mini twister ice lolly 40 cals (610 cals - tsf)
handful of nuts 100 cals (710 - tsf)
cottage cheese 300 cals (1010)
milk 100 cals (1110 - tsf)
slice of bread 100 cals (1210)
popcorn at cinema and quite a few handfuls of bl**dy minstrals 500 cals aprox (easier to say 500 rather than trying to work it out properly, might shock me too) (1710)


4.82 miles ran in 51 mins - 640 cals burnt
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meant to say yesterday that my iron has come back low so i'm on iron tablets 1, 3 times a day 200mg.
I hate my body. It is so unpredictable. I started iron tablets yesterday and what does it decide to use the little extra iron on????? giving me a period, when, I might add, I'm not supposed to get any at all being on the depo!!!!! Now I've got back and tummy ache and I can't get off the flippen loo :(

So sick!