nikki's diary - closed...... moved over to maintenance to test the water!


i'm so stuffed. decided to have a day off and have been thinking about what i'd like to eat today. i haven't managed much of what i'd thought about. stuffed! i think my tum is smaller and now bloated. bleurgh!!!!
back to exercise.

a core class 30mins
ran 3 1/2 miles
10 mins on the bike.

cals burnt 600 aprox
Do you feel better for it?
It's making me jealous!! I've done the dusting and polishing!! Couldn't work out how to hop 'n Hoover so my mummy is coming round later to do that. But at least I feel like I've done something today lol. Have a good day x
don't' be jealous. i've hurt my arm from my the core class. didn't do much. just basically help different positions for 5,7 then 10 seconds. legs and arms. shoulders are killing me. they were def 'engaged'!

i feel better but hungry today. this dieting lark is hard.
bloody kids are doing my head in. dude's clawing and scratching and pulling my top and ems keeps jumping on me. my arm aches from yesterday's core class, don't ask, and i'm trying to order spare parts, with not much success for my fridge. argh!!!!!! i want to scream.

i've hovered and tidied up and the house is slowly deteriarating. i want to kill one or both of them.
Can totally sympathize with you about the kids, I've had my two friends over this morning with their one year olds, utter chaos, the noise and stuff everywhere it was bedlam. Love them both to pieces but it's so peaceful now they've gone. It's been great to have some company :) hope your day calms down a bit x
Decided to cook with ems. So she was entertained for half an hour.
Finding it hard to get back on my 810 plan. Just picking at stuff through boredom rather than need!
Thank you for the US biggest loser! Bob I love you!
Now watching too fat for 15!
Channel 4 now, will my crash diet kill me?

Maple syrup diet, cabbage soup diet and cambridge diet.
Oh poop I've just got out of the bath and will only catch last 15 mins... Is there a channel 4 +1? what they say about Cambridge? Are we all doomed lol?
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yeah! we are all doomed lol. the girl was doing well on 3 sachets a day ss. then she started bob and gillian style training and the trainer didn't agree with her diet. she then got a call from cd hq who said that she shouldn't be on that little cals and doing that much exercise. they wanted her to do a minimum of 1000 then upped that to 1200 plan. she came off cd at that point as she saw no point in having 2 products as she could do a 1200 cal count herself. she really struggled with the decision to either stop exercise and carry on ss or to keep on exercising and have 1200 cals.

i think i would have kept on doing ss and lowered my exercise.
It doesn't sound as though she was filled in very well in scientific bits by her CDC.
Just read the new title of your diary.... "Stand up and finish what you started!!" so bloody true I really have to do that, I started this so long ago it's about time I finished it!! Thank you Bob, I'm going to!!! I love Bob!!!

What did you think about this weeks? Explosive or what?
love it. just think the red team woman is full of cr*p. lol :D

green team woman, WTF, she's got serious mental issues. she NEEDS GILLIAN!

i've decided to tell myself every time i go for something off plan..... 'STAND UP AND FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED' i will shout this out loud and not eat it. my kids, hubby and passers by will think i'm bonkers but i don't care. i need to FOCUS!
p.s i feel like getting a hoddie with it on too. i need to see it everywhere. i'm going to put it all over the house and all over the fridge.
p.p.s i think i'll even write in on my hands. :D