No more excuses diary

Just reading this now and oops was about to say to hold off on the vibration plate for a day or two. . I was going to say try one first if you can.
About 2 years ago a few of us had them and they are good but shook some people a little too much. SO follow the instructions, look up lots of Youtube videos and don't lock your knees when using it. I've gone back to mine this week and managed to rid myself of a colossal cramp. I find it also good for digestion, an unexpected side effect. It has shook out what I call few desk pains, sore shoulders and back. But it can be hard on your joints, so don't lock your knees or hips. Again follow instructions and medical advice.
And weight is only an abstract number. How you measure is better. But how you feel and carry yourself is more important. Right now I waddle aed I want to strut...that's a better measurement than a scale.
You can DO this
You can DO this
Thanks for the support. I really do appreciate it. Im sticking to plan but I won't be doing an unofficial weighin again. I'll just have to get over the curiosity and wait.

Did you enjoy your wine last night? 😁

As for the vibration plate, for me its worth the risk. I have to get moving. I'm on my feet all day and only get to sit down when I get home and that's when the aching starts. Once I get up again my muscles are very sore up my legs and on my feet. I'm hoping my circulation will improve with it. Thanks for your advice I will do more research before it arrives.
Today was food shopping day and I'm all set for the week. I bought some mango today, I just need figure what to do with it πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

I got some fat free Greek yogurt and I have mixed in some skinny syrup and popped it in the freezer for a syn free frozen treat. I was meant to have it this evening but my stomach is not great since dinner. I'm not sure why but it is making some pretty interesting sounds. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow.

Lunch was a seeded slim with homemade coleslaw ,tomato and onion relish. I'm not sure of the syns but I just had a scrapping and wrote it up as 3 syns. One third of the jar is 9.5syns going on the 20 cal rule so I think 3 could be an over estimate. If not I have plenty of syns to cover.

Today's dinner was steak, with black pepper, sw chips, peppers onions and homemade coleslaw for 1 syn. Followed by eater melon.

I bought some flavoured sparkling water today in aldi.its nice and a change from still water.

Batch cooking starts tomorrow. Bacon cabbage and turnip, pork and roast potatoes and himself want chicken so I will roast that too. I got some stewing beef and mince to fill the freezer with.

I fancy a curry as in a Chinese. I must dig out a recipe.
Just realised I didn't eat any fruit today except the watermelon but I just didn't feel much like eating with my stomach. Must dig into it tomorrow with the mango πŸ₯­ πŸ˜‹
Today was cooking day. I made bacon, cabbage and turnip for the next few days.
I had a huge plate, I made sure to finish my speed food and leave all fat on the plate. However I couldn't finish my potatoes.

Made a large batch of my stock roasties, which are always good and syn free. I filled the slow cooker with a beef stew to freeze for later in the week. I also roasted some pork on the rack. Incase I fancy some during the week if not I will freeze that too. Freezer is all set for the week.

I'm almost out of snacks so I must make some next weekend, maybe some scotch eggs.

My Greek yogurt with skinny syrup was delicious. I'll be making it again. I just wont leave it in the freezer as took hours to melt enough to eat. It would be great as an ice lolly that way but I was going for more of a creamy consistency.

Today was a good day. I drank a good amount of water. My syns are low again today. I just had my seeded slims heb with a cheese triangle for tea. That was my lot for today. Didn't manage to eat many meals again today.

Tomorrow is weigh day. I'd like to see a loss but after Friday I don't think I will. I must be more conscious of my meals at home and at work.


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Great cooking going on there. Its so handy to have meals sorted for the week
Great cooking going on there. Its so handy to have meals sorted for the week
Thanks for your support on Friday when I was bummed out about my unofficial weigh in. I really did appreciate it. It's great to know we are not alone in this.
A massive 3.5lb loss for me this week to say I'm delighted is an understatement. I was soooooo bummed out after my unofficial weigh in on Friday that I wasn't expecting much out of this week. Not the whopping loss I have had. I know that I feel my top belly getting smaller, I thought it was a bit of a smaller overhang in my jeans on Saturday πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ but I also thought it was all in my head.i have lost a whopping 9.5lb in 3 weigh ins. I'm off to a great start.

Looking forward to a smaller version of me meeting my mum and son again in March
Exactly 9.5lbs in 3 weigh ins is brilliant. You really are flying it.
Exactly 9.5lbs in 3 weigh ins is brilliant. You really are flying it.
Thanks, I'm feeling more confident about fitting in my summer wardrobe when and if it comes πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
No more unofficial weigh in for me after last week.
I know it will slow down and leave out as I lose more but for now I'm over the moon
Thanks for your support on Friday when I was bummed out about my unofficial weigh in. I really did appreciate it. It's great to know we are not alone in this.
No problem, thats what we are all here for.
I'm still blown away with my result this week. It was a very pleasant surprise, 3.5lb drop.

This morning I had 3 bacon medallions, 2 duck eggs, mushrooms and tomatoes with a slim heb. All free and very tasty.
I snacked on an apple and an orange around lunchtime.
Dinner was roast pork, turnip courgette and 2 roast potatoes. I totally enjoyed it.

Tonight I treated myself to some choclate and maltesers. I didn't enjoy them as much as I thought I would but I seriously over did it on the syns. Oh well back on track now. I will have to try and compensate for it during the week. Its out of my system now.

Back to work tomorrow.
Hoping for 1.5 loss for the coming week.
Menus planned for the rest of the week so I'll be bang on track

Brand new month
Brand new me coming soon 😊


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End of another healthy eating day. Still loads of biscuits and sweets in work and they are still bringing them in. I managed to stay away again today which is great. Today was the first day someone was picking away at them so that made me more conscious but it didn't last long. These are things that just happen.

Tea break today was just coffee, it was very busy. Had my dinner at 2 as usual.
Bacon, cabbage, turnip and spuds. Followed by a small few slices of apple and a full orange. I was stuffed after that and it kept me going until got home.

Tea was my slim heb, hmade coleslaw, 2 suns and ham. Followed by my remaining apple slices from this morning and mango. Herbal tea.

Managed just over a litre of ribena today. Never had my lemon water but plenty of tea and coffee πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Yep it's much more acres day than a water day today. β˜•
My vibration plate arrived today. I couldn't wait to try it out, I hopped on it today at lunchtime. I had jelly legs after 5 mins so I hopped off again. However I did do 10 minutes this evening when I got home. I'm using it on the first program which is the least just to loosen up. Hardest part was remembering to hold in the bellys πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ it came with a very handy exercise guide to try at different levels. Right now I just want it to loosen up the muscles and joints. I'm tired of the aches and pains. I gained soooooo much weight in a very little time and my joints are suffering. The glucosamine is great but I'm not into taking vitamins, I get bored.

I have noticed that my energy levels and my focus has improved since my diet has changed. Not a lot but I see the difference, I couldn't have gotten any worse πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Today was a good day although my water intake wasn't great. Probably managed a litre outside of my tea,coffee and herbal tea. Had lots of thoseπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

My tea break was apple, mango and ff strawberry yogurt.
Dinner was roast pork and roast potatoes with turnip carrots and parsnips. Ive eaten a lot of turnip this week.
Only smacked on 1 apple today so I was hungry when I got home.
I had a slim,heb, mushrooms, tomatoes, bacon medallions and duck eggs all washed down with a huge cup of tea.

Tomorrow will be more of the same but no turnip πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Glad the vibration plate arrived, its a very strange sensation the first time you use it. Does it have stretchy handles to hold, ive lost one of mine and must replace it. Lots of videos on youtube for ideas
Glad the vibration plate arrived, its a very strange sensation the first time you use it. Does it have stretchy handles to hold, ive lost one of mine and must replace it. Lots of videos on youtube for ideas
Yes it does have them and a set of resistance bands too
Just had another 10 minutes on the vibration plate. Glad to say that I wasn't stiff or sore this morning well maybe a bit in my stomach but not enough to stop me.
Happy out