No more excuses diary

Well I eventually got to work for 12. The snow is gone now, it came down too heavy and so fast this morning that it made the roads treaturious.

I didn't have a session on the vibration plate this morning but I did this evening. I actually missed it. My legs feel so much closer after it and I'm able to move a lot easier.

Breakfast was a heb toasted slim, dry, an apple and a pear sliced up.its fast become a favourite of mine. It's nice and light for me early in the day.

Dinner was bacon, cabbage, turnip and potatoes. Followed by an orange and a pear. That kept me going until I got home.

Tea was the last of the kfc chicken. I allotted it 3 suns but I'm sure I have over estimated that all week just to be sure.
This evening with my tea I had a little pig out on skinnys. 2 rocky road for 7 syns and a toffee skinny whip for 4.5. That's a lot of syns but it was worth it. I need to indulge myself in my star week. Only managed about 1 litre of water today but plenty of tea and coffee as usual.

Back isn't too bad at the moment, seems to be easing off to goodness.

Tomorrow is another day. Food is all gathered and ready to go.
Evening all,
Today was an okay day. I stayed on track until I got home. I just over did it on my syns. Instead of stopping at 15 or somewhere near that I went over.i used a total of 23.5 syns. Not happy with myself right now but I did it. I know my syns were almost nothing yesterday but I don't carry them over because I don't think that I am allowed to. Well I never have.

Brunch was an apple and a pear.

Dinner today was cannelloni with broccoli. I allotted 3 for the sprinkle of cheese. Followed by an orange and a pear.

Tea was a slim, heb, a cheese triangle for 1.5 syns and a plum.

I'm back to doing 2 10min sessions on the vibration plate again today. Also I drank 1.5 litres of water and a herbal tea along with my usual tea and coffee.

Its star week so I'm not expecting much weight loss this week but except for this evening I have been on plan so it will eventually pay off. Along as I stick to plan the scale will catch up.
Thankfully the snow didn't last here and work wasn't affected though the little ones were disappointed they didn't get out to play in it. You seem really focussed now and doing well.
Thankfully the snow didn't last here and work wasn't affected though the little ones were disappointed they didn't get out to play in it. You seem really focussed now and doing well.
Funny you should say that, all I wanted all day was a crunchie, twas a hard day getting through work waiting to get home to have it😂😂😂I enjoyed every mouthful and that is still stuck to my teeth 😂
Good evening all
Today was an okay day. Great day for sticking to plan but I had a chocolate craving all day. So my dinner was eaten just because I knew I had to eat it. It was cannelloni and broccoli, same as yesterday which was beautiful but today it wasn't chocolate so it wasn't the same. Silly the way these things happen.

As I earlier mentioned I wanted a crunchie and soon as I got home I had it. It was a 26g bar so 6 syns and so worth it. I ate the chocolate off it first then the honeycomb.

I have to say I am proud of myself this week. I had loads of chocolate bouquet to do for valentine's day and I didn't eat 1 single bite until the crunchie this evening. The fact it's my star week and I kept away from the chocolate makes me even prouder.

Plenty of fruit today and lots of tea and coffee. I also managed 1.5litres of water/mi wadi today.
I had a heb slim and ham when I got home .

Only managed 1 session on the vibration plate today at a high level than usual.

Back in the kitchen tomorrow for another week of dinners. Anybody got any suggestions for recipe?
I've made moroccan meatballs and a sort of chicken casserole for the week. But I've no idea about SW so not much help to you I'm afraid. Doesn't SW have a recipe for a curry using cauliflower as a thickener?
Good morning all
Had an unofficial weigh in this morning and to no surprise it looks like a gain for me this week. I totally stuck to plan but it is my star week so mother nature is doing her thing. I know that the loss will appear on the scales in time. It can be a bit disappointing when this happens but I just have to stay focused.
Not feeling the best today, my stomach is very bloated and hard. I took something last night to ease it but it doesn't seem to have worked so I took a small bit more just now, hopefully that does the trick. I woke just after 5am I am so uncomfortable.

Food shopping this morning. Need to figure out dinners for the week 🥱
Today is not a good day, my stomach isn't good. I haven't eaten much today because I didn't want to push it. Had some bread to see if that would settle it but it didn't work. I had some chicken, carrots and parsnips and sprouts for dinner but I didn't eat much of it. My stomach feels cold and hard. Hopefully it will be better by tomorrow.

Just going to curl up on the couch for the evening and have an early night. Tomorrow is weigh day but after an unofficial weighin this morning its going to be a gain. Disappointing because I stuck to plan all week, it will eventually show. Right now I need to rest.
Look after yourself
Down a quarter of a pound this week. I'll take it seen as yesterday morning looked like a gain. Still not 100% today so I will stick to a bland diet again today just to give my stomach a break and a chance to come round.
Well done Simone, any idea what triggered the stomach upset
No idea @tipperary it just didn't feel good at all. A bit better today but I am getting cramps when I eat. I just had my weekly treat of fresh white bread ( ya white bread was what I was craving this week 😂😂) and its unsettled me again so I have no clue. I was putting it down to being my star week last week but there gone now but the cramps are still there
Found this photo online, I thought it was a good incentive. Its crazy to see how much 1lb of body fat looks like. No wonder my joints are sore carrying multiple pounds of that around.


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Weekly cooking is done. I have chicken curry with rice for me for tomorrow and Thursday. With a veggie quiche for Wednesday, I'm not a fish eater unless it's in batter 😂

I have meatloaf cooked and in the freezer now too.

Today's dinner is in the fridge since yesterday. Chicken sprouts and potatoes.

I had some fresh white bread today as a treat. Its what I wanted this week. I wanted some useless carbs I guess.
Good evening all

Well today was a crap day diet wise. I had my white bread earlier today as my treat,I made it out at 27 suns which was totally nuts just for bread. But then this evening I went and demolished a large aero bar for 25 suns. That's just wrong. I'm going to be kicking myself for the week now. I did it and I just have to own it now.
I have decided to do an sp day on Wednesday. It might help counter act the damage I did today.

I did some squats on the vibration plate this morning along with calf raises. My god did I feel it still on program 4 but I'm starting a work out in the morning this week. I just did my normal session this evening. Both level 4 for 10 minutes.

Its easier to get off the chair in the evening now. My legs and feet aren't as sore so the machine is doing what I wanted it to do.

Hope everyone is set for the week ahead?
Good morning all

I have forgotten to mention that I'm finding it easier to bend down and put on socks, I was struggling with doing this for a while now. I'm also finding it easier to lift my leg to tie my shoes.

Its the little things that keep me going.
Just had a session of calve raised and squats on the vibration plate. I'm loving my more flexible joints
Good evening all.

Well today wasn't a good day either.
Brunch was a fruit salad and ff yogurt. Very tastey.

Dinner was slow cooked chicken curry with boiled rice. It was really good. Worth the 4 suns for the reduced fat coconut milk. Could have done with more veggies though, mental note for next time. Followed by a pear.

Snacks today were apple pear and a plum.
Then came the disastrous end.
Today is pancake Tuesday. I had 2. 1 with skinny maple syrup, totally fine and free. The second I smothered in chocolate spread. I mean..... COME ON....
That's 2 disastrous days together.

Tomorrow is a black fast, I have quiche and broccoli as tomorrow is my first SP day so it will be speed and protein all day. And probably Thursday the same to try and claw back some of the damage I done this week.

However I did 2 sessions of 10 minutes on the vibration plate. Both sessions included squats and calf raises on the 4 program, second highest. I must attach the resistance bands to the plate. I can really feel the workout now.