No more excuses diary

Did another session on the plate this evening. My stomach is stiff now but I just have to get on with it.the good thing is its not hurting my joints or anything so that is amazing from my point of view.

Today was a good day. I drank over 2litres of water and ate plenty of speed fruit. Morning break I had my Riviera and cheese triangle and an apple.

Dinner was roast potatoes and beef stew with lots of carrots, onions and parsnips. Followed by an apple and an orange.
Even after all that I still ate 2 pears.

When I got home I had a skinny 4.5 syns and some chilli rice crackers for 7.5 syns .
A little treat but I enjoyed them.

I'm fairly bloated this week. I need to find a cure for it. I took something that might help this evening so I'm hoping it works. I had forgotten about this side of the slimming world diet. Its awful because the usual things that help ie.fruit, water and fiber are what is causing the problem.

Oh well I will figure it out.

Tomorrow is Friday yaaayyyy. Back to batch cooking. I will make chicken paella and some snacks. But I have no idea what else.
Looking for inspiration
Simone, I found the vibration plate really worked wonders with bloating and wind. Are you doing any specific movements on it or just standing and shaking?
Simone, I found the vibration plate really worked wonders with bloating and wind. Are you doing any specific movements on it or just standing and shaking?
I'm just standing in it for now, I don't want to do anything more until I start moving a bit easier. It does help a bit alright. How is your week going
Good morning all.

Yesterday was a good day. Stomach is a lot better. Dinner was stew with lots of veg and beef. Followed by an orange and ff yogurt.
Tea was hmade coleslaw, a slim and ham.
Plenty of apples and pears in between.
Later I had a skinny chilli crackers.

I did 2 10 min sessions on the vibration plate. I have been doing some research and I am going to increase my movements on it.

Have a great day
I find eating too much red meat bloats me and makes me feel lethargic.

I keep seeing these vibration plates but don't know if I would get bored with one. I like to be on the move even if it's just walking around the house.
I find eating too much red meat bloats me and makes me feel lethargic.

I keep seeing these vibration plates but don't know if I would get bored with one. I like to be on the move even if it's just walking around the house.
I bought my plate because my joints are giving me trouble at the moment. I need to loosen them up. I'm not really a Walker, I find it boring. I prefer an exercise routine so the plate does suit me.
I increased the intensity of the plate this morning. Omg did I feel it 😂😂😂 I'm pretty happy with myself today. I feel may not show on the scales on Monday but internally I feel great
Mine goes from 1 to 99. Had it at 20 this morning but have had it at 35 previously.
Mine does 1 to 180.i just moved to the 3 program this morning which is moderate to intense. It was a big jump for me but I managed to stay upright 😂😂😂
Good morning all.

I didn't get the chance to log in last night. Yesterday was an ok day except my fruit intake wasn't very high.
I had a slim heb and a cheese triangle, 1.5 syns & a pear for breakfast. During food shopping I got hungry so I bought a fruit pot in aldi, it was lovely.
Dinner was spaghetti with meatballs and veggie pasta sauce. I put onions, pepper, courgette and mushrooms in it with garlic pas. Totally enjoyed it.
Last night I went a little nuts oon the skinnys and 3 at 3.5 syns each total of 10.5 syns.

I did 2 10min sessions on the vibration plate on program 3. A lot more intense.

Today is batch cooking day.


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Good morning all.
1lb loss for me this week. Took me into double figures in my weight loss so I am happy out with my little milestone reached. This week my little milestone is to just get as close to that stone loss as possible so I can then knock it out of the park.

12lb is supposed to be a difference in clothes sizes so for next week I am pushing for 1.5lb. Not that I will be rushing out to get new clothes to test the theory, not that I could if I wanted to.

I do feel lighter this week even if it isn't reflected on the scale which is a great feeling.

My stomach was very sluggish last week but it's all a part of it.i have a handle on it now so I'm good to go again.

I have no work until Thursday this week so batch cooking wasn't necessary this week. I did make some kfc chicken and coleslaw incase I get the munchies while I am home. I can snack on something sw friendly.

Today begins a whole new week. Today's dinner will be roast beef with roast potatoes and carrots. Same as yesterday.

Chat later
Wow 12lb is great, im lagging behind so much.
Good morning all.

Didn't log on after yesterday morning. I need to make a more conscious effort to do that. Also I find someday I have to fill out 2 days in my food diary. I know I am staying on plan but all these things help to keep me focused so I need to take better care of it

Yesterday was my weigh day and of course my treat day. I fancied some chocolate covered biscuits that I bought in the shopping at the weekend. There was 7 in the pack which I would have gobbled down a few short weeks ago. However I looked at the nutritional information and discovered they were 7 suns each, that's 49 suns in the pack. I was half thinking so what but I knew I would spend half the week working it off.
So I offered my OH 2 and ate 2....I put them aside and said I would finish them later... but I shared the last 3 also, eating another 1.5. I know that I over did it consuming 24.5 syns but it could've been a lot worse which I am proud of.

My meals yesterday were on plan. Brunch was some beans,2 bacon medallions and a slim heb with a pear and orange. Dinner was beef, roasted potatoes and carrots and parsnips. Followed by plums and a pear.
I did 2 sessions yesterday on the vibration plate, 1 was program 3, moderate to intense for 10 minutes. Second was 15 mins at 120. I started doing some squats on it yesterday morning going to attach the bands today and move a bit more.
Its very cold and dreary today.
Its very cold today and I'm always peckish when its cold.
Breakfast was a toasted slim, orange and a pear.
Dinner was sw chips,roast chicken and hmade coleslaw and tomato. It was perfect for this cold weather.
Now I have eaten a bowl of pear and apple with fat free strawberry yogurt and its only 5pm. Just wondering what next I'll be nibbling on
So at 6 PM I had a toasted slim for 6 syns and some pork onion and tomato. I'm not sure of the syn value so I have made it up on the 20 calories per syn and have come up with 7.a bit much but I haven't had it in years

I did 2 10min sessions on the vibration plate. I'm a bit stiff since I upped the level but it just means its working. I didn't do any squats today I didn't want to push the stiffness too far.
Evening all.

Today was a good diet day.plenty of fruit and water. Its star week and I feel like ive been through the wars tonight.

Brunch was a pear and an orange with the usual coffee. I couldn't manage anything else. Dinner today was bacon, cabbage, turnip and potatoes. I totally enjoyed it.
Followed by an apple and a pear. Tea was kfc chicken, heb, and hmade coleslaw for 2 suns. With ribena.

I didn't go on the vibration plate today, my lower back is sore enough without aggravating it. Its soooooo uncomfortable this evening. And all I want is chocolate but I won't be having that. Early night for me
Ouch on the back, hope it clears up
Back to work today. I'm going to skip my jiggle this morning and get back on it this evening. Its going to be a cold day today but dinners and fruit are ready to go
After a failed attempt to go to work I'm back home again. Snow is coming down pretty heavy here for an hour and no sign of it letting up. The car was unable to get a grip on the road so for safety I came back home. Hopefully it will thaw later but still coming down. I can only wait and see