Trying hard 2014
Gold Member
So I didn't last very long on TS. Had half a vanilla shake in two coffees, an Atkins bar (only 150ish cals, low carb, high protein - gorgeous by the way, lots of low fat choc) and a tesco ultra slim shake. Then we checked into our hotel at 7pm and it's like being a house guest - gorgeous house, almost a mansion really and there is a lovely bar in the conservatory. The owner only stocked artisan beers and spirits and English wines and was chatting to us and really helpful, she booked us into a local restaurant for dinner (I was planning on having a black coffee). Anyway then she offered us both a drink and Stef had a local beer and she offered me some English wine so I said yes. So I've had a glass of wine and then when we went for dinner I had a steak salad with no dressing. Didn't eat it all, look how large the portions are! <img src=""/> So I'm going to do the next 3 days as low calorie so I don't do a low calorie week next week so I'm still on plan (apart from the wine ?) We're the only guests here at the moment so she's cooking us breakfast specially, but I plan to say I don't eat breakfast and have a coffee instead. Night night all x
Steak salad looks lush