not any more, sorry

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Ive always quite fancied pilates. No idea what it is tho, but it sounds good! Does yoga actually burn calories? Or does it just make u bendy?! lol!
Hello all, what I do is something called "Hot Core Yoga" it involves a lot of flexibility but also core strength using my old friend "the plank" and then 10 minutes holistic relaxation at the end. And you do actually get quite warm doing it, believe me, anybody that tells you yoga is easy has never done it lol.

Am really grrrrrrrrrr this morning, 4 classes and all legal on the food and my weight goes up by over 1lb today, wtf is that all about - so bloody annoying. Not due totm, been ok with going to the park........cannot explain it at all. Decided to have a low cal, low carb, low fat day today to see if that jolts me back again. Very weird.
Will obviously be well grumpy today - hope that rehearsal cheers me up tonight.
Awe quak how frustrating. Your scales are wrong chick, the floor is wonky lol. Good luck with low fat etc I hope it helps.

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I think it's muscle density and heavy air - specially as it's damp and snowy...

I feel the same ... And have felt like a lump of lard all day just cos I'm not back to posted weight! The brain is a hideous implement of torture ! Hope it drops away really quickly! :) x
There seems to be a view on some low carb sites that heavy exercise (yes that's you!!!) can cause you retain some water for a few days while the muscles repair. Shouldnt be a problem as get benefit from muscles and toning and soon drops off again. Dont be too disheartened!
Ah yes! Alpy mentioned that when I saw her yesterday ! :)
Morning Bren... How are you today chook? :) x
Oooooooo that was loverly Marty :D

Afternoon all, it is blowing a hooley here and chucking it down torentially!!!! I really feel for you lot up in Scotland if it is that bad down here.............hope you are all ok xxx

Scales a bit kinder this morning so am repeating my low everything today and see how they are tomorrow, I suppose it could be water weight from the muscles, have heard that theory somewhere else I am sure. I suppose it goes to show that weekly weighing is better if you can be that restrained..............and I can't lol.

Good night at rehearsal last night, 2 new songs almost in the bag for them, I really enjoy watching the process of building up a song from scratch - never find it boring even when I have heard it 4 or 5 times in a night - am pretty sad that way lol. Roll on Saturdays gig - can't wait (although it will be quite sad as last one from them for this year :( )
Evening Brennnnnnnnn :)

Am off to bed soon - it means I won't eat so much! Lol :)
Evening Di, had 2 pork loin steaks and sweetheart cabbage for my dinner, currently trying out the red wine I bought on way home for the missus. She is at the hospital taking some stuff in for her Dad who was rushed in today with breathing and heart problems. Don't know much more at this stage.
B xx
Morning Bren... I'm so sorry to hear about her dad - I hope they get him under control!! Horrible time of year for anything like that to happen!!

Hope you have a good day.. Hugs xx
Morning Bren, any news on the FIL this morning?
Don't think her Mum wants him home anytime soon lol ;) I offered to pick her up while Loretta and her brother went visiting last night and she said no, she was looking forward to watching her programmes with no interference! They have moved him to a ward, it is looking like a change of medication that has caused it as his syptoms have come back today since they gave him all his tablets this morning. It actually is a good thing for her Mum to have a break from him as he is totally horrible to her most of the time so they can keep him as long as they want really, but I am sure they will be desperate to get rid quickly once he starts terrorising the patients and staff with his constant demands for food.

I am still continuing to try and keep my calories reasonable, with low carbs (about 30) and slightly lower fat and it seems to be having an effect, not huge but scales are dropping which is a relief. I have a 4 day weekend to cope with now, so will try and keep the willpower going as much as I can. 2 nights mega gig dancing should help. Plus a bokwa class tonight.

Weather has been horrible this morning but has brightened up a bit now, forecast is very cold tonight which means ice - yuk. Hope you are all keeping warm and dry xxx

edited to say - bloody hell, they are letting him home this afternoon..........that was a brief respite!!
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Crikey - so sorry to hear about L's dad, both that he has been ill and that he's coming home so soon - they don't watch people for very long, do they?!

Good news on the four day weekend though, that's great news. Hope the weather's not too bad and you can get out and about to a few gigs!
Evening Bren... Fantastic news on the sliding scales!! What a relief ! Lol

Sorry about the short respite for L though! :)
Morning Sweetie. Sorry to hear everything difficult with FIL - hope improves.
Also hoep you are having a wonderful giggy (is that a word;) ) weekend!
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