not any more, sorry

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Evening Bren. Ooh scary on the roads - really pleased you are back safely
Morning Bren, yes that wind was bad, it scared Olivia, it lifted her off her feet.
Poor Olivia, I hate the wind, so destructive Jim.

Afternoon all
Looking like it might be a busy night, 2 classes (was 3 but....) surprise rehearsal night (surprise to me anyway) so dash home, shower and out again. Don't think the missus will be impressed though...........or the dog. Never mind, life is too short as they say.

Hope you are all well xxx
G'day lovely lady. Someone's a busy lil bee! I'm having a lazy day. Back in work tonight, 2000-0400 on a day off. Just thinking of the money.
I don't have the chance of making more dosh in my job, not that I would have time lol - enjoy your lazy day Claire xxx
I don't get many chances. Overtime is hard to come by these days. Gotta be auth by an inspector. Normally cancelled rd at short notice would be double time but tonight's is time n a half. But any extra cash would be nice as I'm skintaroo.
Evening Bren...bizzy as usual! :) xx
Evening bizzy bee bren. Hope you have a great evening:D
Afternoon All
Well I woke up this morning feeling ok from last nights 2 classes, thinking I had got away with aches........NOT! I am beginning to feel it around my waist (which was the target area in the first class) - it was almost like circuit training with free weights - and bloody hard work. Thoroughly enjoyed Bokwa, was on a right buzz after it which carried me through the night at rehearsal, we even got up and danced which is not the norm lol. Gave in to the evil alcohol though so my detox has been derailed already lol. Will try and stay off it tonight again. 2 gigs Fri and Sat this weekend so prob will be drinking at least one of those nights, more likely both! Weight is coming down nicely though, 4lbs down from Tuesday which is good. I know it is mainly water from dropping the carbs again but still, I feel better for it.

We have blinding sunshine here today after another horrendous night last night, journey home was even worse than the day before. Wind is dropping too which is a relief. Hope you are all safe and well xxx
Evening windy Bren! Wow weeee 4lbs off is amazing! Well done! :) xx
Having a hungry night for some reason but trying not to eat after dinner which was an omelette with cheese and ham which should have been plenty!! Had 2 big cups of coffee, might just need to get some more water down me but laptop has settled in for the night lol, and the missus and dog are both asleep so no use to me for fetching any. Need to do a bit of washing up too so don't have much time on here tonight :( hope you lot are being good ;) xxx
Whoop to 4lbs babe.x
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