Afternoon all, I don't really feel ill, just bunged up............having a day in snuggled on sofa with puppy and wife, watching films, I actually sat and watched a full film (Source Code) can't remember last time I did that. It was ok albeit a bit confusing.......and Jake Gyllenhall is easy on the eye. Now watching Robin Hood, Russell Crowe is not as easy on the eye lol. Hence the laptop is out. Had brunch of grilled cheese with ham and 3 eggs grilled on top of it, comfort (atkins) food. Not given into any bad stuff at all this weekend, except the booze of course. The only thing I really have a fancy for is a glass or 2 of baileys, would probably drink a whole bottle and feel very sick but can't be arsed to get dressed and go to the pub for some either. Lots of pork left from saturday as we didn't have any yesterday, fancy making a cream and mustard sauce to go on mine......
Can't say I want to go to work tomorrow, this 4 days has gone too fast
Can't say I want to go to work tomorrow, this 4 days has gone too fast