Afternoon, Friday night was ace, much dancing was done, didn't sit down for a minute, unlike the missus who didn't stand up for a minute lol. We shared a bottle of red before we went out and then I had a white wine and soda (don't think it saw much soda) and then when on the bushmills (and a pint of soda for chaser lol). Felt a bit ropey on Saturday but a bottle of red in the early evening sorted that out. Stayed in yesterday and watched golf, much as we seem to be doing so far today, gig at 6pm tonight which we are planning to go to.............time will tell if you know who can be bothered.
Bit bored to be honest, weather sucks big time and you know who is in a bit of a mood today, makes me want to eat bad stuff and drink excessively but trying to keep myself from doing so.