not any more, sorry

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She is an extra, has done some more filming so am sure she will pop up from time to time.

Yes Jim, she is a pretty girl to be sure!

Hello all, hope you are all well xx
Evening all, been to wetherspoons for tea, had ham egg and chips (only half the chips.............) and red wine.

Been to JJB and bought a new sports bra and some dancing/sports clothing in the sale. Photos might follow if I am brave enough lol.
Evening Bren... Ooooh yes please ... Fotos of you have them! :)
Evening Bren:)
What a good excuse for clothes shopping - to make you healthly lol;)

Yes please to photos:D
Morning Bren :)
Morning Bren, is the food good in weatherspoons? we have one locally and I keep meaning to try.
Morning Bren ... Hope the weekend is great! :)
Evening all, no Lisa - had to go to opticians cos I made a right mess of taking my lens out of my left eye last night, it is full of blood and looks awful!! Got antibiotic drops, she says it looks worse than it is but it is proper sore. Still going out though!

Last night was a good night, they raised over £2000 for the brain tumour charity which is really good :D

Just going to watch strictly and then get ready to party. No makeup allowed though! Or lenses, so will be back to being a butch speccy twonk tonight instead of the more glam me that usually goes out! Ah well, tis punk tonight so will just do a lot of bouncing and getting sweaty which will be very attractive to go with my eye lol.

Hope you lot are having a good weekend xx
Blimey Bren! Your eye sounds really sore! Hope it clears up soon! Hugs :) x
ok, 2.25 am - much bouncing around done, 2 bottles of magners pear consumed..............hugged the bass player on leaving and he was way less sweaty than I was - lol - his sister is mental. end of.
Dropped geek photographer friend off on way home, saw other band types loading up after gig and went in for a chat.
I like weekends :)
Ouchie on the eye bren! But sounds like a fab evening - glad you had sweaty fun:D
Hope you are feeling ok this morning?!
Afternoon Katie, et al
Yup feel fine, only had 2 magners and a couple of scotch when I got home while I calmed well under the usual limits lol
Been up since 11, done 2 lots of washing, washed up, made bacon and eggs for me and bacon butties for her, washed up again, made prep for salad later, walked dogbert and am having a surf before I go for a shower and pop out for a couple of hours to a gig at 4pm. The missus is currently ironing, don't think she wants to go this afternoon so will be a sober gig. Not seen these two play together before but have heard good things so will be interesting.

Hope you are all having a chilled Sunday xx
Wow... Sounds like a busy day! Has the eye calmed down? :)
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