not any more, sorry

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Wow... Sounds like a busy day! Has the eye calmed down? :)

Nope, just as horrendous, drops every 2 hours and the worst thing is 10 minutes after you put them in you can bloody taste them - and it is disgusting!

Being on Atkins hasn't changed my dislike of ironing. LOL

I never made the correlation between the two, my missus once asked me to iron a shirt for her for work. I did, she picked it up, and then took one out of the laundry basket - ironing is not my forte :8855::8855::8855:
Not good on the eye front Bren! Don't leave it too long before you go back to see them if there's no change ... Hope the day goes well :)
Hello All
Still red-eyed, hope it settles down a bit for next weekend - won't do that in a hurry - oh, and guess what? The missing contact lens had found its way back to the front this morning, it was in the corner of my eye all folded up lol.

Hope you are all having a good day xx
How scary Bren! Maybe now the eye will settle? :)
Fingers crossed.

Just done my 3 dance classes, not as sweaty as I fitter, is it colder or did she just not work us as hard?
Probably all 3 Bren! Lol ... Morning! :)
Morning Bren... Hope eye's looking better? Have a lovely day :)
Morning Bren x

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Morning both, and all who follow later........
Think eye is on the mend, forgot to take my drops home last night but am on day 4 so should be ok. Not as red and not quite as sore as long as I don't blink too hard or too fast - or roll my eyes at anyone lol

Hope you all have a good day
No flirting at James then Brern until Saturday Kitchen! :)
Ha, no promises.
Have just eaten the hugest tuna salad and am stuffed...............the good news is that the scales have gone down below posted weight for the first time in ages, shows what being good with my food at weekend does instead of relaxing too much. Got into a bad routine with upping my carbs hugely at weekends and it just does not work, I then spend all week getting it back off again. Plus bread and other wheat stuff makes me itchy, sure I have some intolerance going on to either wheat or yeast so am better keeping off them. No alcohol last night either which is a first for a few weeks, got a bit lax on that.
Could not bloody sleep though which is a pain, ah well, you can't have everything.
We have lovely sunshine here today - what is it doing where you are?
B xx
Hi Bren... Just curious what your menus are like these days ... Obviously on your good days !! Gives me something to think about :)
They can be a bit random depending on how empty the fridge is but a couple of days this week it has been a cold hard boiled egg at home before work, then some sort of salad at lunch, maybe some corned beef and morrisons coleslaw (lowest one I have found) for a snack and then in the afternoon I sometimes have some 0% greek yog - depending how hungry I am or what I am doing before I eat again (3 exercise classes for example) I might have a big one which is 20 carbs on its own.
Last night was mince with a lowish carb tomato sauce (Lloyd Grossman puttanesca) and courgette ribbons.

Hope that helps...........:)
I'm gobsmacked how closely you need to monitor and manage your foods 'specially with all that exercise! It's not as if you have a blow-out!!! Blinking' Ada!!
So... How many carbs can you take before the scales go haywire?
Ha ha Lisa! You obviously know Bren well! :/)
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