My hubs is just the same - hats never big enough and he's a titchy 10st, and alwasys uses brains as the excuse!Need to build up my neck muscles or something, my head looks huge!!!
Well actually it IS huge, I can't get hats that fit me.
Lots of brains in there I recon![]()
1.14mls in 10.25 secs - Nothing wrong with that at all - well doneNear failiure ends well...
Decided i must get round this jogging lark last night. Have had a few attempts in the gym but never in public - I was even brave and went in the day light....
Well -I was just at dying stage going to keel over and i saw a bloke I knew - he double looked at me said I looked amazing and that i had lost so much weight - it really spurred me on to run the rest of the way home....
1.14mls 10mins 25seconds - not the fastest - but I lived to tell the tale.... (new gismo on my phone - endomondo - it is ace tracks your route by gps -kcals, distance, time, fastest, average etc...) oh and its got a free version - i got the free one..
Strange one, I got dressed for work this morning, looked in the mirror and thought "wow my boobs stick out further than my belly"...and I didn't have my ultra padded bra on either! Being somewhat small chested my boobs have never stuck out further than my belly before, it sure put a smile on my face, knowing that the inches must be going.