I have only just spotted this thread so I apologise for the delay in responding.
So sorry that you are going through all this Natt, and hope that everything goes well for you!
Sending lots of love and positive thoughts..
Yeah just a guess really. I'm not sure, it's probably nothing but when they send you to the hospital asap and do test and don't do anything you fear the worst!
Just thought Id update you. I just been to the opticians and she sent me to the hospital, which is where I am going now. So I hope to see you all later and let you know how I got on!!
Yeah just a guess really. I'm not sure, it's probably nothing but when they send you to the hospital asap and do test and don't do anything you fear the worst!
Although I'm guilty of doing the same thing and so shouldn't comment. I have to say, that isn't good. You're just going to get yourself worked up and into a panic over something that you probably haven't got.
When you meet the doctor next ask them lot's of questions. Ask them what they're thinking and not just what they know for fact. If you're like me and your mind shuts down when you see the specialists, write your questions down before hand. I have even asked for diagrams from my doctor in the past so as I could understand the situation properly. Make them explain everything till you understand completely.
To be perfectly honest I'm not stressing or anything like that, I just like looking things up! It's probably just one of those random things! I will ask as many questions as I can. I don't think I've got anything in particular, just certain things keep popping up in the search results
I wonder if that varies from area to area, I got my eyes tested the other week and it should have been £36 but the optician said they get that back from the NHS and it didnt cost me a penny
i honestly hope they give you a diagnosis soon and your eye sight improves and its nothing serious ...god love you having to wait for tests results..it would drive me bonkers
stupid me.
i have cataracts and had a cornea problem [had a cornea graft 5 years ago] i remember when i first went to eye casulualty in 2003 as i had a bad eye i got a diagnosis of a cornea problem within the after noon. i can't imagine what its like having to wait to get a diagnosis [i always got a diagnosis straightaway whenever i had to go to eye casualty with conjunctivitis or loose stitch or whatever]/ i have had blurry/ foggy vision in one eye but don't know what its like not to be able to see at all