Obesity is entertainment...

I do <3 Jesse tbh :p

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I watched one series of Biggest Loser USA - it was fantastic. Didn't bother watching any others as it is all a bit samey.

I currently watch a year to save my life. Interesting program.

I don't bother with TV much and prefer to keep slim and do something more constructive these days. As well as food, being a telly addict contributed to my own obesity. They are freak shows, I suppose, but as someone said, boy do they get results!

Yes most of these tv shows are a little over the top, especially that 'fat families' is it? where they have the very camp man presenting it 'telling it how it is', he gets right on my nerves! bore off little man you are rubbish! hah

But some of them, especially supersize, I do enjoy watching, its an eye opener, for one the people who are obese or morbidly obese just go to show what over eating can do, its not nice, its horrific. 'Children as young as 11 in America are having to have tailor made caskets to accomodate up to 1000lbs', thats just so sad, upsetting and absolute bonkers, how is this happening! simply overeating. Yes they are scare tactics in a way, but why shouldn't they, they are on there to say 'If you overeat, this is what you will become, you will develope illnesses due to it possibly loose limbs and you will die an early death, then the cherry on top is you will have to have half of your house removed to get you out the house and put in a casket that can hold up to 1000lbs'

I'm 4 stone overweight and it made me think 'I will see to it I never end up like that, I value my life' so if it makes me think twice about having that cream cake and putting it down, then I think those shows do their job :)

on the upside, they do have remarkable turn arounds, one i've watched recently is 'obese, a year to save my life' which is brill, 10stone in a year people loose, I think they are amazing, and It deffo gives me a 'well if someone who is 30 odd stone can loose 10 stone I can deffo loose 4!'

I really rate Obese - A Year to Save my life, as not only is Jessie Pavelka the hottest PT i have EVER seen - the show has a point, if they didnt have help these people may die - they are all at the stage in life where its a choice - do something, or die.

The guy last week actually started to become a PT himself - amazing.

Fat Families - Steve Miller used to be overweight himself, so he does know what he is talking about - i do think the programme is designed to be tounge in cheek though and not like Obese AYTSML.

SS v SS - as Emsie said, it does point out the pros and cons for both sides of the coin.

I wish there were more follow up programmes after these shows, so we can see if people have learnt from the help they get and won the battle of the bulge (or bones!)

I really quite like all these programmes. Yes it's marketed as entertainment, yes it's finger pointing and often derogatory, but we have a choice - the OFF button ;-)

I don't however like the documentaries on people with diseases, two heads, 8 limbs etc etc.

It's all personal choice isn't it?
jaylou said:
I really quite like all these programmes. Yes it's marketed as entertainment, yes it's finger pointing and often derogatory, but we have a choice - the OFF button ;-)

I don't however like the documentaries on people with diseases, two heads, 8 limbs etc etc.

It's all personal choice isn't it?

Agreed Jaylou - i don't like so i don't watch :)

I also agree on the documentaries like Extraordinary people. They make me feel uncomfortable. My sister & family were on one & i saw some of the filming they did - it was all really staged & i felt that they were trying to make out my niece was some kind of circus freak.
Ss v ss i find really unrealistic. The skinny peoples calories never seem right to me. "he only eats 1400 calories a day" and is 7 stone at 5 foot 8 << he eats less than tht to look like a skeleton.

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I watch theses shows, partly for inspiration in a "if they can do it, so can I" kind of way, and also in a way of "if you carry on like this you'll end up in their position" way too. Our Biggest Loser is an absolute joke, its all been about pacts and tactics, hardly anyone nice among them. I would quite happily watch a biggest loser final marathon though :) I think SS v SS works because of seeing portion control and having someone say "why are you eating this much, how can you?" and "how can you live on this much" etc. Fat families annoys me though, that guy presenting comes across as patronising, I don't care how fat he used to be.
I really rate Obese - A Year to Save my life, as not only is Jessie Pavelka the hottest PT i have EVER seen - the show has a point, if they didnt have help these people may die - they are all at the stage in life where its a choice - do something, or die.

The guy last week actually started to become a PT himself - amazing.

Fat Families - Steve Miller used to be overweight himself, so he does know what he is talking about - i do think the programme is designed to be tounge in cheek though and not like Obese AYTSML.

SS v SS - as Emsie said, it does point out the pros and cons for both sides of the coin.

I wish there were more follow up programmes after these shows, so we can see if people have learnt from the help they get and won the battle of the bulge (or bones!)


On the Obese- A year to save my life isn't there a website you can check to see what happened to them AFTER the programme?

Obese: A Year To Save My Life - Sky1 HD

Edit ** possible spoilers **
BigLisa said:
Ss v ss i find really unrealistic. The skinny peoples calories never seem right to me. "he only eats 1400 calories a day" and is 7 stone at 5 foot 8 << he eats less than tht to look like a skeleton.

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A lot of them eat chocolate and drink alot of sugary drinks, but lead really really busy lifestyles, so they are just running on a sugar rush and burning it off, chocolates high in sugar and high in calories you'd only have to have 4 mars bars to have 1400 cals per day lol x
I really enjoy the biggest loser US, although it does make me think that why do all these people have some deep rooted problem that explains why they are fat, none has ever turned around and said to jillian because I enjoy the way good tastes or because I like eating and don't really understand how nutrition effects my body!

I'm fat because I like food and sometimes I don't know when to stop!, I'm not fat because I was abused or someone died or whatever other things they say. I wonder what Gillian would say to me?

I hate fat families the guy is a pr*ck my husband who is slim also can't believe how rude he is.

I think shows like half ton teen/mom/virgin are interesting in a way that they tell you exactly what its done to their body and makes me think thank god I joined sw - it also makes me feel really thin :D

X x x
I watch ss vs ss...I find it quite interesting usually...but have never watched the biggest loser, or fat families...I caught obese a year to save my life briefly the other night and it looked like it had been interesting! The issue I have with alot of these programmes is that its all well and good encouraging them to lose weight, or giving prizes for losing the most (biggest loser!) but what about after the show?? I saw a random documentary the other night which was about Erik Chopin, he won Biggest Loser USA in 2006, fast forward a couple of years and he had put almost all the weight back on! So was now on another mission and another tv programme to lose it again but this time in a healthy way!!....I actually found it quite sad to watch!
Some of the shows I don't like, some I don't mind. I used to hate supersize vz superskinny because I couldn't see how it would work, but it seems to work and I actually do like how it shows both sides of the spectrum rather then just saying oh look at that fatty eating too much food, I also think on that show the skinny people's diets seem much work as I can't understand it at all, I watched it the other day and for her evening meal she had a small slice of cheese and a boiled sweet! Seriously, that is not an evening meal!!!

I can't stand fat families, I think the guy who does it is disgusting, he's a horrible person, I don't like how he is with the people on the show and I don't like the segment with the public where he tells you how bad something like rice krispies are for you! I can just imagine some poor almost anorexic teenager (or adult) sat at home thinking ''God I can't even eat rice krispies''

I haven't seen many other shows to be honest, never caught the biggest looser or anything

My main problem with them now is I can't help but think, GET ON SLIMMING WORLD! Again the big guy on supersize vz superskinny, I was sat thinking there's nothing wrong with your portion sizes, its just the snacking and how you cook your main meals!
I like that different shows give you different views of life - I'd like there to be more programmes showing that not everyone is stuffing their face 24/7, and that some people are just making life work at the size they are at. It's good to be able to identify with people on TV tho in general - and we sorta have to find that in these comps /docs as soaps just give us Heather Trott as an example! :/
Yeah, I only watched 5 mins of that, he did my tree in - there's a vast difference between the way he spoke to people and the 'tough love' methods of Jillian Michaels etc IMO!

I watched a bit of the Obese... one, and I mean to watch more, it's amazing seeing the transformation not just physical but mental. That's the biggie for me, seeing them visibly lighter in character too
Hmm... Maybe someone on this thread can help me, aaaages ago I watched a documentary about a welsh female journalist who was quite big and it charted her attempts at finding a way to lose weight. Does anyone know what it was called?