Official weekly weigh in.

Ah DD I see what you mean. You've never WI on a Friday after PP. Yes I guess if I always weighed in on a Sat my overall constant weight would shift up a pound or two I'm sure as most of the PP day is water loss you've accumulated from eating carbs the rest of the week....
So post-cruise really we all 'exist' at a 'carbed' constant that's a bit higher than the WI weight which just gets pulled down again every week by the one day PP... Which is why *my* Mondays, should I stupidly venture onto my scales, ALWAYS show a gain of about 1kg these days, even when I've been 'good' with no Galas.

Nevertheless, keep an eye on it and if it keeps dropping you'll have to increase something - that's the point of being on Conso, not to drop any further.
2 off for me overall this week, although it's felt a bit of a struggle as 1 went on inexplicably over 4 of the days. Only 3/4lb to go now to my next half stone marker!
Cheers, onwards and downwards - been a funny week really, thought I'd be lucky to get a sts, but the last couple of weeks I've shown a big loss on saturday morning from the day before, can't figure out why though.
Well I ignored last Monday's WI as I didn't want to be obese again :) but I was varying by up to + 5 lbs and never again achieved my WI from 2 weeks ago. So I must declare a STS, although I think in real terms it is a loss!

So how much do you weigh Mouse?!
Excellent Mouse - truly excellent!

I wish you'd post accurate menus though cos you mentioned stalling with both diets. Put quantities if you can too (without manically weighing - that's not Dukan - but we often "know"). Then we can see better if there's a problem (someone I was helping on a French site recently used to put "baked egg custard", as indeed I do for pud... but she was eating the lot! ie 750ml dairy!)
(someone I was helping on a French site recently used to put "baked egg custard", as indeed I do for pud... but she was eating the lot! ie 750ml dairy!)

Wow! That must be the mother of all baked egg custards! Like something out of the Guinness Book of Records! :eek:
I've eaten that size rice pud before, haven't you?!!
I've eaten that size rice pud before, haven't you?!!

Yuck, no! (Sorry, but I have a terrible dislike of milky puddings. Probably due to being forced to eat banana custard by a dinner lady at school and immediately vomiting it back up again. We were also forced to drink milk every morning at school, which made me feel sick back then and means that I still can't bear to drink the stuff now that I'm all grown up.) :eek:
Yuck, no! (Sorry, but I have a terrible dislike of milky puddings. Probably due to being forced to eat banana custard by a dinner lady at school and immediately vomiting it back up again. We were also forced to drink milk every morning at school, which made me feel sick back then and means that I still can't bear to drink the stuff now that I'm all grown up.) :eek:
lol i remember being forced to eat green beans and chicken supreme yep the same result
no probs id have been fine with that lol
I'll have the beans, chicken and custard but will pay someone to take the obligatory bottle of (lukewarm by the time it arrived in our class) milk away!
300g off (YIPPEE...) - highest weight I've been since Tuesday (BOOO...!)
Well done Jo, it's all in the right direction:D.

I have STS which is great considering I ate extra custard and meringue yesterday and had cheese on Tuesday too (it is slightly up - what's the betting it will be slightly down - providing I behave - next week?)

Good luck everyone!