Oh to be a consistent Target Member!!

You can easily pull that back by going back to your fab 5-7 syns a day
On the subject of cough mixtures, I am a fan of Benylin..lol

Just glad I don't have a cough like you two!
Yes Lynne...don't need you joining us!!
I checked the medicine cabinet and the covinia is for catarrh so I've asked Joseph's to ask in the pharmacy for a bottle of BP mixture for a dry tickly cough...will see what he comes back with.

That's probably making your tickly cough worse, so perhaps with the right medicine it will soothe it.
I'm just a bad patient...OK if I'm in bed but had enough of that yesterday and wanted to make my own lunch and do some washing today.

Re the cough mixture. I have a bottle the doctor prescribed a couple of years ago for a stubborn dry cough...almost gone now though. But when Joseph asked at the pharmacy she said there was one but it tasted disgusting!! Anyway turns out it was the very one I had so he got me a bottle of that: Pholcodine linctus. That will short track it now!!
Hope the medicine works, and you have a better nights sleep Janet

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