Hey tamzy!! Thanks hun u cheered me up n also drake we going home now just came on.. Feeling chilled already.. I don't think u can NOT chill listening to drake. I may be too old but I really like his music

lol that's sweet about ur niece. M close to my nieces too. They're just great aren't they? Ones 9 n a proper tomboy n ones 4 n a proper princess! Lol date night sounds funnnn!!!

someone u just met? Or already know etc? Good luck n m sure u will be looking stunning. Do u know what ur going to do? Will u be on plan tmro? Or going to tell all n scare him off??? Lol just joking! Do whatever u feel comfortable with babe. Hope it goes well

yeah I always add spice tamzy I'm Pakistani so we need flavour! N from what I know of Caribbean cooking u guys r the same. Never tried a scotch bonnet in my cooking. R they really hotter than normal green chillies? My bro can eat chillies like whole even! Im not that far. I like my spice but not burning my mouth or anythng. Space the packs as wen my son goes to bed I always feel I deserve some ME time with something! Whatever it may be.. N we are a late family.. As in no going to bed by 8pm here sadly. Normally about 10.30 so then I unwind. I crave that time sum days!!! Lol do u have any kids? Anyway thanks so much for helping me feel better not a nice feeling wen ur frustrated with ur kid. Start feeling all guilty bad mother blah blah. I know m not. But that's per usual for mothers I guess. Anyway enjoy ur weeknd too n good luck tmro!! Xxxx
Hey hun, i love drake too!! Totally addicted to the going home song haha. Love it. Your welcome hunni, i love cheering everyone up ? i enjoy it.
If im right your 6 yrs older than me? Your not too old to listen to drake Im 24 and addicted to him lol.
Yea im really close to my neices and nephews but even closer to this neice in particular ? I think she was born to bring me happiness.
Ohhh the date tomorrow is with someone ive been getting to no for a few weeks now, been going out like all the time over the past 2 weeks maybe every other day, all seems to be going good so far and we're bonding already, havent got any kids yet, kinda scared at the thought even though i work with kids and practically raised my neice since she was born until now, if i do decide to have kids anytime soon id ideally like to get down to 9st so i dont get too big after the birth lol, im scared to gain all the way weight back, why does life have to be so complicated lol.
Oh yea hun! Us west indians cook similar to asian cooking in terms of spice and flavors, scotch bonnet pepper is so hot it could knock u out if ur not used to it lol but its like 2nd nature to me now, mums been giving me spicy food since i was a toddler
Im still confused about whether im going to stay on plan or not, lol he saYs he dont no why im dieting but he hasnt got a clue how easy it is to gain weight!! But if i do eat out again im going to drop 2 packs and still choose a healthy meal as im scared to go off plan anyway! The thought of eating again scares the living day light out of me.
Everyone deserves some ME time hun, its so complicated though isnt it? When the kids are in bed u get to stay up and do what u want but if u do go to bed late it means u get less sleep as the kids tend to wake up early! Mother hood never ends lol. Dont ever feel guilty for thinking like that, ur human and will have feelings like that, it dont make u a bad mother, it means ur normal
Thanks hun will try and enjoy myself tomorrow, will be popping on here as it keeps me sane throughout the day, will check up on u aswell hun, hope ur enjoying ur relaxed night.
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