I had my granddaughters party at a ball pit the other week and I couldn't resist a blue shushy drink. Still don't know how many syns it was but called it 5 lolThanks! It's an improvement - hope I can keep it up over the weekend despite the slight wrinkle of having my nephews birthday party to go to...
I can take it or leave cake, chocolate or sweets. It's alcohol that my weaknessIt's just a number at the end of the day!
For which matter I'm counting 1 syn for a cheeky tsp of the remaining shop bought humous before I threw it away.
And tonight's changed because my mum cooked way too much dinner for the kids. But I still have to make the lentil soup or the lentils will go bad. Sorry stream of consciousness!
So D- small bowl of lentil soup, spaghetti with a little aubergine stew on top, salmon, green beans
I'm hoping Saturday's party won't be too bad as my SIL is a bit of a salad person! But it's cake that's my problem...