once more with feeling

Hmmm well. Halloween party had lots of food, very hard to resist. Have to wing it on adding up! Trying to keep the rest of the day pretty low. I have walked 4.5miles, approximately 500 cals.

B: breakfast biscuits
L: 2 bits of garlic bread, 2 onion rings, 4 potato wedges, snack size chicken drumstick, a cake. (this is very restrained for me, could have easily eaten four times as much!)
D: spaghetti on toast, strawberries mini meringues and little fromage frais for pudding
S: low cal hot choc, curly wirly

I make that approx 1600, no deduction for exercise

Total weight loss since having the UberDom. Still a long way to go!
Thank you :) I keep it up in the living room so that seeing it keeps me on track
Not doing too bad, 1600 with 320ish from exercise on top (2.9 miles walking)

Weigh in tomorrow!
Lost 3!! Really pleased as I'm the lowest I've been since spring 2010!!
3st 1.5 down from top preg weight
2st 2.5 down from starting weight in June
10.5 down since October restart.
I've now cleared my month long binge weight :D
I think it was two brilliant days, one awful day and 4 ok days :)
Well, I'm definitely noticing my weak areas. On Monday dh was off work so xmas shopping led to him wanting lunch out, went over calories and continued to do so for the rest of the day though no actual binging. Ended on about 3000 :(
Today was more shopping then dh wanting mcds for dinner (see a trend?). However I swapped my normal massive meal, extras and sundae for a nuggets happy meal and water with a mars icecream as a pudding on the way home. So ended the day at 1600 which I am happy with.
He's working the next few days ;)
Been awol as there's big trouble brewing here. Things are probably going to change for the worst financially in a grand way :( however, I'm determined not to let the stress ruin my diet. Was half a pound up 3 days post weigh in, not sure why. Not expecting miracles this week tbh
Surviving. Diet still mostly on track. No binges. Weigh in tomorrow.
Hope your weigh in has gone well

Thanks :) it was only half a pound off but it had been a horrendous week stress-wise so not surprised. Yesterday I ended up binging after a lunch out with the "I've ruined it now" attitude. Today was much better.
Things are massively screwed here, but I will not be broken.