Silver Member
I've lost nothing this week, still 10.2! Maybe I should start recording decimal places....I'm pretty sure last week my weight was around 10.2.8, and this morning it was 10.2.2 - so technically I've lost just over half a pound...
I haven't even cheated (well apart from one small chocolate at work!). I think I'll carry on as normal for this week, and if I haven't lost anything at my next weigh-in I'll have to think about cutting out the tolerated items and maybe adding in an extra PP day, but for now I'm going to carry on as normal.
I've also decided to adjust my goal weight to 9.7, as I really want to move over to consolidation as soon as possible. Hopefully during consolidation I might lose a few extra pounds, and eventually my weight will even out between 9-9.7.
How many days have you been at this weight Ceri?
I read somewhere that if your weight doesn't shift, that you should do a 'White Day' (excuse me if I quoted it wrong). It's a day where you have only white products i.e. Egg whites, chicken etc. It's supposed to give your body a little shock.
Here's a little info on it