Pesty's Diary: Losing the baby bulge

Yep still within syns so that's ok.

We're recruiting at the mo, it's so much hard work, I can't believe the CVs we get with typo's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What makes me laugh HH is all the ones in word version!! Surely you'd PDF the document before sending it out?! I had one with the name spelt wrong the other day, the positions are for admin, if you can't spell your name right your not getting the job haha

Yesterday I was good but not so good. Toast for brekkie, but no lunch and had 4 onion rings with pork and SW chips dinner. Haven't worked out the syns but shouldn't be too bad, the downfall was the sheer lack of food and super free.

Today I have been horrendous. Bacon sanie brekkie (fine), 3 bags of crisps (13.5), chips which oh made and were not SW friendly (but at least it was only a small plate and still oven chips with fry light) and yet to have dinner. But have pork steaks out.

So to limit damage I'm in the pub watching footie drinking DIET COKE, that's right diet coke. No alcohol. And I bought the car with me so I don't get tempted!!

What makes me laugh HH is all the ones in word version!! Surely you'd PDF the document before sending it out?! I had one with the name spelt wrong the other day, the positions are for admin, if you can't spell your name right your not getting the job haha
Some people are either a) just not techie enough to do that sort of thing or b) think buying something like Adobe is expensive and don't realise that you can get a pdf maker for free.

When I used to do a lot of recruitment the pack we sent out to applicants said please return the application form completed in black pen plus a covering letter in your own hand writing telling me why you think you should be considered for the position.

You wouldn't believe how many applications I'd get in coloured pen to try and make them stand out plus what was obviously their standard word processed covering letter.
They all justgot a rejection and went straight in the bin.
I probably missed the odd Einstein but if people can't read and follow instructions then they weren't coming to work for me.

And I'm a stickler for grammar. Any spelling error or incorrect usage of a word got them designated binable.
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hey Jess - hows things? I am back off hols now and just popping into the diaries to see how my lovelies are? xxx
Pom my casual type on here must drive you mad then!!! Haha if it doesn't get auto corrected I don't bother with it hahaha so sorry for previous and future spelling and grammar issues. I'm good usually. Promise!

Hey Elle. Thanks for checking in chicken. I've been crazy busy at work this week (only just logged off the pooter after being in London all day. But, I love my job so I'm luckier than most - and this won't go on forever.

WI yesterday lost 1.2lb which is nearly all of my gain last week. I really must stop this yoyoing malarkey though. It seems to take me 4 weeks to get down a lb!!!

Hope you're all doing good?

Pom my casual type on here must drive you mad then!!! Haha if it doesn't get auto corrected I don't bother with it hahaha so sorry for previous and future spelling and grammar issues. I'm good usually. Promise!

Don't worry about spelling and grammar on here. It's a forum for heavens sake. :)
Plus phones and tablets do not help spelling. My autocorrect on my phone is pants!

It's when people get it wrong in formal documents that I go nuts!
I actually had an email from a solictor - not his junior or clerk, but the actual solicitor - regarding the debt issues in our community.
He couldn't use the words your and you're correctly. In fact I came to the conclusion that he didn't know the difference.
He also wrote should of instead of should have!!! Now I know that's how it's often pronounced but, for heavens sake, I'd have thought a solicitor should be educated enough to know the basics.

WI yesterday lost 1.2lb which is nearly all of my gain last week. I really must stop this yoyoing malarkey though. It seems to take me 4 weeks to get down a lb!!!
Stick with it chica - it will go . . . even if slowly, and at least your trend is down . . . I've had 4 gains in a row! :cry:
Well I've been a bit AWOL!

2 weeks of STS, a horrendous cough and an expected gain tonight.

At least I'm starting to get rid of the cough and was on plan yesterday.

Giant boot up the backside needed please!!! Xx
Come on Pesty, you can do this.
At this rate we'll nearly be back to having a race again, although I've still got more than twice as much as you to go.

Get that backside into gear, and wipe me off the field before there's even a contest.
I shouldn't have a chance against you, with these weight differences!
(Though I'll have a damned good try...)

Small steps.
First try another day on plan.
Then another...
Thanks Hun. It'll help to have someone to beat seems how I'm terribly competitive so thanks for volunteering!! Haha

I've got my cousins wedding in 12 days so I'm just aiming to have those 12 days on plan. I think that's a nice short deadline to deal with first off. No aim for any amount of loss. Just on plan

Morning chica - you can race Sarah and I'll be the boots monitor.
So here you go - one kick up the backside as requested.
:asskick:and one of these as well for just good measure :whoopass:
Oh crumbs.
Well if your head's now in gear, you'll beat me by miles, as I've still got 5 stone to go!
But if the competition is what you need to get yourself in the right place, I'm happy to do it.
********. Hagendas is not my friend :-( half a pot consumed!! I hate to think of the syns.

At least I have till next Tuesday to get rid of any gain it'll give me. I must get my OH to eat the rest of the tub tomorrow!!!!

I think it'll be a close run Sarah!! X
Evening chica, hope you're ok.
I'm back home now after a cold & wet 10 days in Blighty.
Gained :sigh: but not too bad. how are you doing?