PET'S CORNER - for all those with furry friends..

Oh {{{{{{{{Jo}}}}}}}} so sorry babes
. I really hope he's OK. I am in tears here and he's not my puddy. I know how I feel about my babies though so can only begin to imagine what you're going through.

Try and get some rest and let us know how he's doing later?

I'll send him some positive thoughts and healing when I meditate in a bit. xxxxx
I keep logging in to see if there is any more news. I am on tenderhooks here and I don't even know you or your you must be feeling I can't even begin to imagine.
Sending healing thoughts to both of you.
Jo, it's only natural to be upset. He is your furry baby and you would do anything for him

Let us know when you have any news, we're all rooting for him.

Get well soon little Jacob, your Mamma needs you home, darling
Fireflies - your furry babies are just beautiful!!!

DB - I'm so sorry to hear of Jacob's setback - am thinking of you at this difficult time.
Ohhh GAWD...what a day.............

9am took him in to vet, they whisked him straight off into intensive care, and in an oxygen tank to help his breathing.

11am they phoned to ask if we would ok another xray and injections

12.30 vet phoned, he was critical, the lungs were very full of fluid, and the heart was racing.

2.00 vet phoned, still having breathing difficulties, heart still racing. not responding.

2-4 i cried my heart out, and discussed putting him to sleep, burial etc. 4.20 asked hubby to phone and ask his condition, and tell them we had made a decision

the vet said, she wouldnt take our decision until tomorrow. she wanted to see what she could do over night, hes on diuretics to empty the lungs and the breathing is much better and hes off oxygen. once she can stabilise him, they can listen to the heart again and change medication

they think he had another heart attack during the operation and pulmonary edema ( fluid on the lungs) was caused by the anaesthetic. if they can stabilise his heart rate they may be able to get him on different heart drugs. its touch and go tonight. i may lose him or i will have to make the decision to let him sleep.

so....tonight i decided to revisit him, for the last time, say my goodbyes, kiss him etc. hubby came with me, we were silent in the car, just holding hands. his eyes were all watery. we took the camera for our last photo together, it was very very sad. we got there, and they took us straight in to the ward he is on. hes in a plastic covered cage with an oxygen tube going into the cage. the oxygen was off.

the nurse opened up the cage, i expected Jacob to be lying on his side fighting for breath looking poorly, then i would know we had made the right decision.

the little bugger was standing on 3 legs, having a pee in his litter tray. he saw us and couldnt stop meowing and purring, and wanting to jump down out of the cage. we picked him up and had a cuddle he was full of purrs. his dinner was in the dish in the cage, the nurse said he haddnt eaten. i took a dollop of food on my finger and put it in front of him, he licked it off. he ate all of the food in the dish off my fingers!!
then laid down quite contented, still purring. with his chin resting on the door of the cage looking at us. his breathing isnt any where near like it was this morning, his sides arent going in and out as rapidly as this morning, the nurse said the diuretics are working to clear his lungs casue he keeps peeing. they will assess in the morning again, and then we have to decide what to do.

were so confused..

Oh Jo,what a time for you both. I really, really hope that Jacob gets through the night and pulls through for you.

Thinking of you both, babes xxxxx
well....i just dont believe it!!

vet called today...she said Jacobs defied them all.

she tried to listen to his heart beat today, and he was purring SO loudly it was difficult to hear LOL!!!

hes up and about. ate his breakfast, purring and wants to get out of his cage

hes been off oxygen all night since i saw him at 7pm. his lungs are clearing with the diuretics, his heart rate is not 'normal' but the best it can be under the circumstances

he has to remain on diuretics, heart tablets and anti inflamitries, but hes been given the go ahead to come home.

i just cant beleive it...nor could she!

she said hes still poorly, but not critical like yesterday.

she said. i can look after him at home just as well as they can in the hospital

we dont know how long he will live. hopefully the heart pills will control the beat, and the lungs are clearing. but she suspects that the blood clot that was blocking his legs has broken up, and little pieces have caused a blockage in the lungs. this should absorb back into the body. he could be left with tiny sections of the lungs which are damaged beyond repair. he may alwyas be wheezy.

on the other hand...he could be ok today...and back to square one tomorrow. we have to take each day at a time.

short term..bring him home, keep him quiet, give the meds. dont let him do too much and see what happens. hes booked in next tuesday for cardio capacity tests with the heart specialist.

long term...he may live for a couple of years maximum with a heart condition that is being treated with medication

so Jacob lives on. what a strong little chap he is. the vet said his will to live is phenomenal !!

Jo, Stevie, Tango & Jacob the wonder cat!!

I'm so glad he's turned a corner (again!!!!) - that's great news!!!
Go Jacob.....Go Jacob

You are an inspiration to us all.......just when everyone thinks it's time to throw in the towel....come back and purr....

Off to practise my purring now:D
Well what wonderful news. I am so pleased for you all. Once he gets home I am sure his recovery will speed up.

What a dreadful time you have all had.
hes been home since about 4.30 yesterday, and has ate loads, drank water, peed and slept on the bed for hours.

i put him on our bed at about 5.30, and apart from taking him off the bed to take him to the kitchen and give him somthing to eat and drink and stand him in the litter tray, hes slept reallly soundly. eyes tight shut, paw over his face, stretching contentedly. this morning he was full pf purrs and meows and ate a big breakfast and took all of his medication. hes now shut in the diningroom and kitchen where he has a duvet to sleep on, his food in the kitchen and his litter tray in the kitchen porch. hes hopping aroud on 3 legs, and manged to get off the bed and follow me into the kitchen.
will report back again a bit later