Piggy no more

Well done on completing yesterday and not giving in when the kids were eating :)

I brought some new scales a while back that tell me everything and go through to my phone but I just couldn't get on with them. So I'm back to the old faithfuls and squinting at the dial in the morning trying to get the reading, lol.

Hope you have a good day today.
I just can't focus on the old ones LOL...I have a complicated prescription haha

Today has been good so far...time to get the kids soon.
That's good to read. I feel exactly the same and wrote in my diary 2-3 weeks ago that I wished I could bottle the feeling. I love the way that a switch in my head has switched to 'on' and I am so completely committed and determined this time to see this through and succeed 💪
Exactly...why can't we bottle this feeling for the times we are struggling? LOL

Today I was feeling a bit under the weather but I went swimming anyway and did a few mins on the exercise bike too so I feel very virtuous. One of the staff at the gym also showed me 2 good machines to use for my legs to try and improve the circulation and get the fat to go from there. So I'm going to do those 2 and the bike for 10 minutes before each swim.

Had an unpleasant conversation with my mother earlier. She doesn't approve of the diet and likes to go on and on about how it's processed chemicals and that all I have to do is eat smaller portions (Wow thanks Mum, I hadn't realised it was so easy....:rolleyes: ), and that I would never get to goal weight (she thinks a stone is enough to lose...I have to lose 10) and that a size 12 is unrealistic at my age(I'm 48)...
Honestly she has no idea...I told her this time that I would appreciate some support instead of negativity and if she couldn't do that then to just not say anything at all. I'm finding as I get older I have less patience for things like this. I will have to just ignore whatever she says to me basically...I don't want to let it mess with my head...

My fitness tracker works in water LOL. It was nice being able to see the time without trying to squint at the pool clock.Was really cheap too £23.99.
After swimming I went to Pret and had coffee(in my Costa cup haha) and a shake...I need to have 2 more products today and can't be bothered to move LOL. I'll have one in a minute..
. 20191003_125157.jpg

My new fitness tracker.

Only 10 mins but better than nothing right?
Well done on the gym and swim :)

When I started Calorie Counting, I did a few weeks of Slim Fast first to get my body to adjust a bit before going low calorie. It worked perfectly for me but I didn't tell anyone because I knew they wouldn't understand and tell me all the negatives which I didn't need to hear. Stay positive hun and you will prove to your mum and anyone else that doubts you that it can be done :)
Wow lots of activity going on there
Mini it's just so quiet here these days I feel like there's no one listening. I have no support in real life at all. None. And not much anywhere else so it's just such a struggle. Money is tight so although I want to do just shakes I can't on Cambridge. But I've tried Exante and I'm just not good at doing it alone. I've been reading back through old posts (old old old posts) and I did so well. I just can't seem to get my head round it these days and I don't know why.
Bluebell, I am on here most nights and I am struggling just now (for different reasons) but if you want to chat, have a moan I will gladly listen hun. xxx🥰
Sorry to hear you're struggling..it's so hard isn't it?

So...update and decision...

DECISION:I'm not going to be doing Cambridge, purely because of finances. I can't afford to do the step I want right now and I know trying to do it just using food doesn't work for me, so once I've used up the Cambridge packs it'll be Exante. The basic principle is the same after all, it's just without a consultant. But really let's face it, I'm a 48 year old adult and I should be able to do this by myself without relying on someone else. I had a stern talk with myself this morning and decided to stop faffing around and just get on with it. I've been overweight my entire life and just once I want to see what it's like not being the fattest one around.

UPDATE:So, I set up a youtube channel where I will post random ramblings about weight loss and stuff. I don't expect anyone will watch it but it'll keep me motivated I think and will be cool to look back on to see how I change etc.
I'll be posting a lot here just to keep myself away from the food so you'll all be sick of me LOL.

We can do it, right??