Sorry to hear you're's so hard isn't it?
So...update and decision...
DECISION:I'm not going to be doing Cambridge, purely because of finances. I can't afford to do the step I want right now and I know trying to do it just using food doesn't work for me, so once I've used up the Cambridge packs it'll be Exante. The basic principle is the same after all, it's just without a consultant. But really let's face it, I'm a 48 year old adult and I should be able to do this by myself without relying on someone else. I had a stern talk with myself this morning and decided to stop faffing around and just get on with it. I've been overweight my entire life and just once I want to see what it's like not being the fattest one around.
UPDATE:So, I set up a youtube channel where I will post random ramblings about weight loss and stuff. I don't expect anyone will watch it but it'll keep me motivated I think and will be cool to look back on to see how I change etc.
I'll be posting a lot here just to keep myself away from the food so you'll all be sick of me LOL.
We can do it, right??