"Plump Polly".....golden oldie..........Newbie

When I hear people say they only do it on certain days and they lose I always wonder if they really do or they are just saying it.

Hi CG, well I wondered too, but then she said she'd been doing SW for almost 20 years, losing it and coming back! She must have more money than sense. She told us what she had over the weekend, and all I thought was no wonder she's crept back up to over 17 stones!Still each to their own, she laughed about it, so...... xx

I'm with Cavegirl - I suspect that some people tell a few porkies to try and make other people jealous.
Although if she's over 17 stone then she probably has got a lot to lose and so can "cheat" some of the time and still lose on just 4 or 5 days a week sticking to plan.

I'm back now from 9 days of celebrating. It's a relief to be able to get back on plan I can tell you.
Hi all, got my house back to myself now...thought I'd gone deaf to start with!!
My first post said about giving in to a little temptation...................... THAT IS THE UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR! Trouble was even when they'd gone and taken all the goodies home with them. I still wanted to pick!...and I had a sausage sandwich! :cool:
today however, I'm back on track 100%, i've made a huge pot of superfree soup...(ok with a couple of free bits in) so I just might have to live on that till Thursday morning!
Yes I think you're right, some people do tell porkies, seems a bit pointless to me, but there you go.
I have a question to ask please, all this cooking and everything new I'm trying, includes a lot of herbs and //or spices, but it's something I've never done in my life, and so I keep getting stumped because I don't know what to use...OR the amounts. Is there a thread or anything that I can gen up on please? Only things I ever use is salt, pepper and curry powder.
Back to the grindstone then Bev? Hope the last part of the year is better for you than so far xx
Hi all, got my house back to myself now...thought I'd gone deaf to start with!!
My first post said about giving in to a little temptation...................... THAT IS THE UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR! Trouble was even when they'd gone and taken all the goodies home with them. I still wanted to pick!...and I had a sausage sandwich! :cool:
today however, I'm back on track 100%, i've made a huge pot of superfree soup...(ok with a couple of free bits in) so I just might have to live on that till Thursday morning!
Yes I think you're right, some people do tell porkies, seems a bit pointless to me, but there you go.
I have a question to ask please, all this cooking and everything new I'm trying, includes a lot of herbs and //or spices, but it's something I've never done in my life, and so I keep getting stumped because I don't know what to use...OR the amounts. Is there a thread or anything that I can gen up on please? Only things I ever use is salt, pepper and curry powder.
Back to the grindstone then Bev? Hope the last part of the year is better for you than so far xx

Not sure if there's a thread but you could post a thread in the recipes section and see what other people say/think? might be more helpful xx
Morning Polly.
Yep - the rest of the year can't be much worse really, although had a very depressing phone call with my step-bro and his wife tonight.
Mum is really deteriorating so I'm expecting a few more ups and downs to be honest.

Re herbs and spices. It all depends on
a) what you are making
b) how spicey/herby you want it
c) whether you are using fresh or dried.

I know that sounds like a cop-out but I can't be more precise than that.
If we do a casserole I always chuck about a heaped teaspoon of Mixed French Herbs in (for 2) and it doesn't seem too much to me. But when I doubled the quantity when we had some friends for dinner they moaned it was too herby for them
But if I'm doing something like a curry then I go VERY easy on the hot ingredients like chilli as I don't actually like things that hot!
Morning ladies, am sorry you have bad news Bev, I would imagine you're perhaps having to come over again, so difficult for you when you're so far away .
I've been buying a few different herbs and spices every week, trouble is I find something I want to do, and you can bet your life it will have the one or 2 I haven't got yet. I've got to be honest, they ony thing I had regularly was stuffing...so I know what they taste like. I'm not struck on the HERBY wedges...but I like my curry and chilli, but neither can be too hot. I've sort of stuck to using mixed herbs, and only a pinch. there's nowhere nearby to buy in fresh, so everything is in a packet or a jar. It's more the savoury side that stumps me, I used to make lots of cakes so have had experience with cinnamon, caraway seeds etc. This is what happens when you're bought up with plain good old fashioned English cooking...with only salt added!
That's a good idea Lindsey, if I can't find a thread I'll start one, at least I could get some basics.
Hope everyone is doing ok...and on plan! x
Nothing to report this week, I STS which is what I expected, just glad there was no gain.
We had a curry chat this morning (it's national curry week apparently) and she went all through the spices etc, and everyone put in their 2 pennorth...just wish I'd been able to tape it, because the only thing I can remember, is something about Cumin! :sigh:

Been lurking on your thread, but thought I'd pop in and say well done on the loss and give you my ideas on the spices and herbs.

I cook from scratch all the time and love doing Indian, so have almost every spice known to man in my cupboard. My recommendation would be to err on the side of caution - like salt, it's much easier to add extra than mask the taste of too much. I know that this is a bit vague, but once you become familiar with the taste of the different herbs and spices, you'll know how much more too add to suit your taste.

Might be an idea to start with 1/2 tsp of each one, taste and if that's enough for you, leave is as, if not increase one by 1/4tsp, taste again, then increase a different one, taste again and so on until you get the balance you like. Not promising you won't sometimes wish you hadn't added as much XYZ but the next time, you'll know to watch out for that one. Sounds a bit of a faff, but within a few weeks, you'll be chucking things in like a pro :D:D.

Also, different people have different sensitivites to different spices - I always find Thai hot, so tend not to make anything too hot, yet Indian, I can take about as hot as it comes!
Hi ELLBEE, thanks for dropping by. I don't like anything garlicky...well no, got to be honest, it's the smell of it when other people breathe on me that really puts me off. I usually stick to my little pot of mixed herbs, but am doing so much more cooking from scratch now, that I'm realising I have no idea what to use to make my meals more tasty...I've started adding medium curry powder to everything! It's the basics that I don't know about, because I've never used them in my life (I'm 67!!) We have taster mornings at group, and some of the ingredients I've never even heard of, let alone the herbs and spices. I've just never cooked anything except good old fashioned English meals. I know everyone will know what I mean. I've been buying lots of little pots of this that and the other....haven't used anything yet really, but in a basic herb/spice selection,if you were just starting out, what would you buy? xx
Polly - I saw something in a Spanish supermarket that might help you.
They are Schwartz mixed bags. Now if I can get them here in Spain you should be able to get them in the UK.
They are a selection of spices that come in tiny bags insite an outer wrapper for creating meals.
There are recipes for what to do with them on the packaging.
They certainly had curry ones and lots of other things too like a Goulash.

Goulash is easy though - basically just add paprika and a tin of tomatos to a good old fashioned beef casserole recipe.
Chuck in some 0% fat Fromage Frais just before serving.
There's a full recipe here though on the SW website. Hungarian goulash - Recipes - Slimming World

Go and browse on the SW site for recipes. There are plenty in the "public" section.
But you can get loads more in the "members" section.
If you go to class ask your "C" for the online PIN and access to the members section is free.

Now why didn't I think of telling you this before?
LOLOL! yOU DID AND i TOLD YOU i WAS ALREADY A MEMBER! HEHE...oops, sorry, not shouting. I've looked at lots of the SW recipes.......just have to "try them and see". I'll have a look for the mixed bags, have to see though I'm already confused with the single variety! It's a bit late in life learning a new way of cooking as well as sticking to plan, but I'll get there.....eventually!
Hope things are looking better on your front xx

oh, I mean the home and away front, not the booby part!
Don't worry - I'm getting senile. Can't remember from one day to the next what I've read/said.
Now what was your name? :8855:
lololol!! x
Crikey haven't been on here for 4 days, too busy chatting on other threads and I forgot. Don't know what this week will be like, am hoping to make up for last week, but have had one of those womens problems for the last month, exercise bike or miuch walking has been pretty much out of the question. Went to the Docs today to get fixed up, and it hasn't gone to plan so must go back tomorrow. annoying really as I was just getting used to getting moving every day x:sigh:
Thanks luvvie, xx

Back now. 2 lbs down and got my 2.5 stone award.
Was sorry I couldn't stay to group, love the chat part, have to get to the Drs. but SO glad I went! xx
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Well done chica - you're going great guns!
I'm so proud of ME Bev, have never stuck to a diet in my life and it worked...like you said ages ago, it's not like a diet is it, it's most definitely a learning curve to eat right, and I'm just as enthusiastic now as I was weeks ago. Thank you for all your help and support you've given me xx
I'm so proud of ME Bev, have never stuck to a diet in my life and it worked...like you said ages ago, it's not like a diet is it, it's most definitely a learning curve to eat right, and I'm just as enthusiastic now as I was weeks ago. Thank you for all your help and support you've given me xx

It's a pleasure chcia - soooooooooo glad that it is working for you!
Thank you both..... it's really appreciated x:)
Hi ladies, well busy busy here doing Christmas card orders...I usually do them straight after Cjhristmas, but this year I got waylaid and so up to my eyes ATM. too much sitting though........ even though I'm working..well my top half is!
Was chuffed this morning when my scales showed 13 stones....am hoping the official ones say the same...but I doubt it!
Good luck to everyone this week, back when I can xx
2lbs off...next week am hoping to break the 13s barrier......SOTW, which was a nice surprise (shared) but still nice. Hope everyone is doing ok x