Aww that's good to know, my belly is often cold as well! Has anyone else had baby growing a week ahead of measurements? Doc didn't seem too worried and we get scanned every 5 weeks here so not sure if it's something that would be picked up on in the UK?
Do you mean when they measure your bump? I've been a week ahead since they started measuring me, no one is concerned by it, Midwife said they only scan you if you are above the 90th centile or if the pattern on the chart suddenly changes? I had a growth scan at 29 weeks due to reduced movement and he is definitely bigger than average, with longer than average legs too! <3 He was 3lbs 7oz estimated which is about right for 32 weeks apparently lolScans every five weeks sounds amazing! Where abouts are you in the world? xxx
She was measuring through the scan, hopefully it will have balanced out by next appointment! Hehe maybe we will both just have bigger babies! DH is 6ft 3 so wondering if he'll be tall! I'm in Bahrain, was Abu Dhabi before and they were the same for scans! Xx
It could well do, I know people who have been told they were having massive babies and when they came out they were averaged sized. Or a baby with a large estimated weight ends up coming out long and skinnyIt's all educated guesses at this stage. We have another growth scan next week - can't wait to find out how he's getting on and get some points on my chart! My husband is quite tall, as is his dad and although I'm stumpy there are a lot of tall people in my family so it's very much possible that he'll be a big boy. I'm impressed with all those scans, wish we got that many over here! xxx
Hi ladies... Something's been on my mind since the hospital last week... Cons said my last bloods (taken at 13 weeks) were all fine but I should think about taking iron as they recommend it to everyone.. (I feel fine, not overly tired or sluggish or anything).. I'm eating lotz of greens to get my iron from food rather than a table form and drinking lotza OJ just help my body digest it (or do whatever it needs to do with it) and taking pregnacare MV's which also contain iron... My Q is this... Would you take a second iron supplement?? Or carry on as usual??
Are your iron tabs prescribed or OTC?? See, I'd gone to get some iron tablets and the ones I was gona get only have 20mg compared to the 17mg in the pregnacare...I'm not sure tbh - they've said you're not anaemic right and it sounds like you're feeling well? And you do get iron in your multivit and your diet is good. Even with those things you can still end up deficient in iron but you don't want to be taking too much either! Is there anyone else you could check with? GP or midwife? They might be able to suggest something...
As context, pregnacare contains 17mg of iron taken once a day. My iron tablets are 210mg three times a day which is a pretty big difference! Plus iron tablets can make you feel pretty yukky so you don't want to take them if you don't need too. xxx
Are your iron tabs prescribed or OTC?? See, I'd gone to get some iron tablets and the ones I was gona get only have 20mg compared to the 17mg in the pregnacare... I really don't want to take iron tabs as I've heard they can make you really constipated n bluea... But if its what baby needs, i'll do it no probs..
Ah that's what I thought.. The OTC are only 20mg.. So you were obviously deficient.. I asked the pharmacist the other day when I was there but I kinda take what they say now with a pinch of salt after the whole cold meds thing last week...Mine are prescribed, you'd not get anything that strong OTC I think. I hate taking them, they have the opposite effect the the one you mentioned on me, it can go one way or the other apparently! But baby needs iron and I was so knackered I can't even describe it so it's well worth a bit of discomfort![]()
I would definitely see if you can talk to someone else about it, you are taking a supplement already and it might be that's all you need xxx
I'm not sure tbh - they've said you're not anaemic right and it sounds like you're feeling well? And you do get iron in your multivit and your diet is good. Even with those things you can still end up deficient in iron but you don't want to be taking too much either! Is there anyone else you could check with? GP or midwife? They might be able to suggest something... As context, pregnacare contains 17mg of iron taken once a day. My iron tablets are 210mg three times a day which is a pretty big difference! Plus iron tablets can make you feel pretty yukky so you don't want to take them if you don't need too. xxx
Not just pretty yukky...amazingly yukky if yr body reacts like mine does!!! Xxx
Ah that's what I thought.. The OTC are only 20mg.. So you were obviously deficient.. I asked the pharmacist the other day when I was there but I kinda take what they say now with a pinch of salt after the whole cold meds thing last week...
No good! I have an upset tummy in the mornings, sporadic episodes of having to run to the loo RIGHT NOW and it has made 'things' turn funny colours but I've been lucky really. And I felt so grim before I started taking them that it's been a relief to feel less tired and rubbish. Were you on them when you were pregnant too? xxx
I wasn't dangerously deficient but enough that I needed something to top the levels up. I had great iron levels at 8 weeks apparently and they dropped from above to below average by 28 weeks so I think it was mainly the fact that it was a big drop that made me feel crap. Would your GP help? Might be more reliable than the pharmacist xxx
I don't mean this to sound awful.. But I know it will.. So please don't take offence.. The difference being I've not gone off fruit or veg at all and been making sure to have at least 5 a day EVERY day since I got my BFP.. and doing SW before obviously meant was getting it then too... I stupidly never mentioned taking pregnacare when she said it to me which I should have really.. Then there'd be no guessing.. What's stopping me is firstly, already taking pregnacare.. and secondly.. she never checked my iron levels.. she's just generalising.. Didn't ask about diet or anything.. Just said "we recommend all our mothers take an iron supplement" Surely the fact I feel fine and have a good diet counts for something...
Hey Frances......the iron supplement the midwife is talking about is pregnancy multivitamins etc. As you're taking;re already taking the iron supplement that the MW suggested
I did read that taking extra iron unless you really need it (as in...a blood test which shows you're low and need more) can cause problems. As your diet is good aswell you should be fine
You should be due more blood test(s) at some stage in the very near future anyway where they'll check your levels again. I had mine done a week ago and my iron levels are still fine![]()