Back again!!
I've been freaking out for the past few days. Our babies are really making us work for our wiggles these days. I've tried the cold drink, ice pops, chocolate, laying on my back and poking it, lying on my side. Out of everything the one thing that's just got a wriggle out of it was a cup of tea and even that was decaf. Think it liked the warmth because it likes it when I have a bath too. And as for your tummy not feeling pregnant, I have no idea where a foot long baby hides but they bloody well do!! One minute part of my tummy is hard then it goes soft all of a sudden. I just got a kick counter app and sat really quietly drinking my tea and concentrating HARD. Managed to feel 7 movements in 5 minutes and although they weren't kicks they'll do for me xGirls.. Freaking out a tad. Trying not to. I need tips on how to get bubs moving. Tried ice cold drink. Choccie bar. Lying on my side Baby is in a position where my tummy doesn't feel pregnant. Arrrrgghhhh....