Finally Pregnant!!
Yea Kerry. I had AF type cramping well past 1st trimester. Maybe as far in as 17ish weeks... Not everyday... But on n off throughout x
Slightest twinge n I start worrying! I have my 8 wk scan tomorrow so hopefully that will put my mind at ease xx
How were you sitting? If you're slouched and leaning back - the comfiest way I admit - baby can squash the big blood vessels near your back and make you feel dizzy. Best to sit upright, preferably with your hips above your legs. I found sitting on a cushion on the floor, cross legged but with my back against the sofa the comfiest position. Same to be said for being in bed, careful how you lie or you might get dizzy! X
I've worried about something or other since I found out 15 weeks ago! I'm hoping after my 20 week scan I can chill out but I doubt it lol x
Yea Kerry. I had AF type cramping well past 1st trimester. Maybe as far in as 17ish weeks... Not everyday... But on n off throughout x
I've worried about something or other since I found out 15 weeks ago! I'm hoping after my 20 week scan I can chill out but I doubt it lol x
I had the cramping too - can't remember when they stopped but it was well into the second trimester. And now in these last few weeks I have it again!
With the dizziness thing, that makes sense Susie, I think it was the fact that I was slouched that made me go funny the other day. I really struggle to find a comfy position to sit in and slouched in the sofa is my best one annoyingly. :/ I feel funny if I lie on my back for too long as well but before I start feeling odd I get the pelvic pain which soon makes me turn over!
Not a question but just something I discovered today - it's well worth getting measured up for a bra if you've not done already! I though my boobs hadn't changed much during pregnancy, how wrong was I? Turns out I'm two cup sizes bigger! Now I have my lovely comfy new nursing bra on I'n realising that my old ones were massively too small and that the stretch had gone and they weren't very supportive at all. I had to spend a few quid getting some decent bras but my eBay money paid for it and I'm glad I did. My boobs have never been happier!Even if you get measured and don't buy anything straight away it's well worth doing so at least you know what to look for and they measure a bit different for maternity/nursing bras so you might not be the size you think. xxx
We're looking at the Mothercare Orb and buying the Mothercare car seat, I can't find a review for the safety so do we assume it's up to standard??
I keep feeling pressure 'down there' but having only gone to the hospital the other day I know he's still not engaged. I guess maybe its just because baby is bigger? When I get that pressure down there I proper waddle lol and i feel heavier and more uncomfortable
Danni have a look at the which website, they usually have reviews etc. however, I would be very surprised if mothercare isn't up to standard-I'm sure that's what Prince George went home in so you should be fine! I'm sure if you ask in store they can let you see all the details. Pj it's likely to be the position of baby and it will probably improve once he/she moves! If their head is at a funny angle and pushing on a nerve it can be quite uncomfy! Maybe have a bounce on a ball if you have one-might help! Xx
I get the 'period pains' (thats the only way I can describe them) and was wondering if thats just stretching which is what Ive presumed it is but then at one point i was wondering if it was BH. But then I realised my bump doesnt tighten so cant be.....meh! Im not sure Ive had any BH....not that Ive felt anyways!