Is a crunchy mama!
Thanks so much Britmum, I really appreciate your help. I have to have a c-section because I had a myomectomy almost 3 years ago to remove a pretty big fibroid (grapefruit size) that was embeded in my uterus. The dr that operated on me said I'd have to have a CS for future pregnancies. To be honest C-sections are all I know of childbirth, every woman I know, including my mum all had C-sections lol. I'm just worried about being in so much pain and trying to look after the baby at the same time. With my myomectomy (which is essentially a CS with no baby) I was in bed for a week!
Thanks for the rec on the lanisoh nipple cream, that's the exact one I ordered from Mothercare! YAY!
Thanks for the rec on the lanisoh nipple cream, that's the exact one I ordered from Mothercare! YAY!