Just wanted to share my story with you all to show you that you can have a healthy pregnancy with small gains.
I fell pregnant with baby no 4 and was my heaviest ever at :
17.1 1/2
By week 22 i had ballooned to 17.11
I had seen the consultant at 21 weeks and he advised me to exercise and eat healthily as i had a 10lb baby previously and always had large babies (baby 1: 8lb 1 1/2 weeks early and baby 3 was 2 weeks early 8.81/2)
So, at 22 weeks i took his advice and started to eat only when hungry and smaller portions and took up some exercise on 4/7 days of the week (pre natal class 2 days, tone zone and step)
My weight dropped (i have a diary of my losses but it would make this post long and boring lol) - some weeks i gained a little but i trusted my body and the day i went into labour i was
6 1/2lb lighter than when i fell pregnant
3 days after i gave birth i was 15.10.
I have since gained a few pounds (he is 10 weeks) but only went back to exercise when he was 7 weeks and have also been eating lots for breastfeeding BUT i am back to SW now
I have photographed my progress throughout my pregnancy too and if you are interested then let me know as i have the album on my facebook profile and you could look on there - just let me know ur email addy and i'll add you on facebook.
I started pregnancy at a size 20/22 and i ended a maternity 14-16. My body is still returning to normal and so i am wearing a 16-18 at the moment but hope my belly has more shrinking to do lol - i also want to actively start losing now, hence my doing SW
Hope this helps someone to realise it is worth persevering and NOT to give up trying to be as healthy as you can.
O, and my baby was 2 days late 8lb 9ozs so effectively my smallest baby yet based on dates

- so being healthy also helped there. I also had the least painful delivery - delivered standing (think a 20minute squat!!!!!!!) which i have never been able to do previously and i think a lot is due to the exercise i did

I am also coping better being slimmer and fitter and feel much better about myself than i would had i come out of pregnancy bigger.
I also had him on Monday and was at work Sat and back to work the following Sat (again i thank the healthier and fitter me) - i am a swimming instructor with my own swim school.
Just wish i had started earlier in my pregnancy (but consultant told me 22-24 weeks is when they start to put on weight lol)