Big Bird
That doesn't sound weird hun, I understand how u feel. I kno u were TTC 4 ages as well so of course yer gona b on edge n xtra cautious now that yer finally pregnant! It took me a good while 2 accept that it was actually really happenin 4 real. Altho we were lucky 2 get an early scan bout 8wks n they were able 2 let us hear the heartbeat then it was the 12wk scan that finally convinced me I was actually really pregnant! However it wasn't until prob my 20wk scan when it properly clicked that I'm actually gona b avin a BABY, when we saw it's wee face properly 4 the 1st time! Pregnancy is such a weird time cos it's filled wif excitement n worry n fear all at the same time so I reckon it's totally ok 2 go thru all of those feelins durin the course of it xx
Aw, I can't wait for it to feel like something that's actually gonna happen! This will be my third scan in 13 weeks and tbh I'm still not quite convinced that we're actually having a baby, hoping I will be a bit more convinced after Tuesday. Not long now!
I never even suspected how hard being pregnant would be. I always thought TTC long term was the worst it got but it was nothing compared to the anxiety and fear I've felt over the last 8 weeks and I feel a bit daft now for underestimating it! I feel tremendously guilty for not enjoying it enough too, for not being happy enough - I think that's another hangover from long term TTC. I thought that getting pregnant would solve everything and I'd be happy at last, whereas it actually just gives you 100 more things to panic about! xxx