My placenta was low too, thankfully it has move up now. I have also had bleeding in my 1st and 2nd trimester but not in my third. Sonographer was prob makin a deal of it because sometimes it can cause probs with c secs when its at front and low where they need to cut u but as they know they can watch it and deal with it if it doesnt move up x
All is ok but blood pressure and insulin levels are up so have to get blood pressure checked again tomorrow! And up my insulin units from this eve! seeing consultant till next Friday so but if any more symptoms develop I've to ring midwife and delivery award! I actually feel pretty dreadful today, I know the heat and lack of sleep isn't helping so feet are going up right now for the rest of the dayx
See I asked her if it affected the section at all & she said no, only a natural delivery which is never ever going to happen as much as I want it too. That's why I was confused. She had also made a big deal of the baby being breech even though it moved during the scan & stayed the right way round for the rest. Again I'm no where near delivery & it moves all the time. My first was breech right up till a week or so before then she moved, even with lack of space.
Hope your feeling better soon xo
They do like to make a drama dont they. If it doesnt affect you than they shouldnt stress you out and make an issue of it especially if baby is breech, why would it matter if your having a c sec whether baby is breech or not! Last time with me they made a big issue of my amniotic fluid being low but did nothing not even monitor it and in the end they thought my waters were in tact and gave me pethidine for pain relief without checking me and my son was born less than 2 mins later! When i was pushing the midwife kept on saying no you cant be pushing your waters have not gone but there were no waters and when she realised that i could see her start to panic. She was lucky my son had no harmful affects from the pethidine!
I read your post from last night your son sounds like mines and my daughters are usually in bed by 7 but like to push my buttons by taking out their books and things once i leave their room and not be asleep until 9/10! x
I couldnt take my oldest to nursery because some workmen came to do the cavity wall insulation so its a mad house here. My son while the girls were out of the living room decided to some cooking in their toy pots and pans but his cooking usually consists of spitting into things and stirring it with a toy spoon! Lol the girls have just come to discover that all their pots have spit in them and their all busy arguing now, I'm leaving them to it x On top of that my husband has decided to work late today and so is still not home and i needed some shopping in!
Morning, how is everyone?
Thought I'd post a bump pic too. Some people say I'm neat, others say I'm having twins :-( I think it depends on my clothes. I'll be 22 weeks on Wednesday
View attachment 95268
View attachment 95269
mama-bear via phone
All is ok but blood pressure and insulin levels are up so have to get blood pressure checked again tomorrow! And up my insulin units from this eve! seeing consultant till next Friday so but if any more symptoms develop I've to ring midwife and delivery award! I actually feel pretty dreadful today, I know the heat and lack of sleep isn't helping so feet are going up right now for the rest of the dayx
Morning, how is everyone?
Thought I'd post a bump pic too. Some people say I'm neat, others say I'm having twins :-( I think it depends on my clothes. I'll be 22 weeks on Wednesday
<img src=""/>
<img src=""/>
mama-bear via phone
Today was the best day ever.
Got dressed this morning in my new dress from the weekend and I actually look pregnant in it! Just a tiny bit pregnant but even so... I'm impressed anyway lol Evidence attached, taken in the hospital loos later on. Anyway, why was I in the hospital? Read on...
I went back to work to find that my colleagues have been lovely and I had a nearly clear desk, also HR have pulled their fingers out and arranged my risk assessment at last.
Then I had a call from the hospital asking if I could come for a scan today instead of tomorrow - shocked wasn't the word! After calling my mum to make sure she could still come I took the appointment and left work straight away.
Baby H-W is amazing, active and looks healthy - I knew it would be like that deep down but seeing him/her again was incredible. Our little was so much bigger than two weeks ago and has proper little arms and legs now and gave us a wave too! <3 Sonographer was lovely this time too and gave me some good advice. She commented that little seems very active and also mentioned that I look to have an anterior placenta (whatever this means? Not googling!) Picture attached, husband couldn't be there so I wanted one for him. Mum loved it and fessed up that she has started knitting already!
Met husband after work and we picked up food for tea and walked home together. Arrived home to find my letter from the hospital with NT+ results - low risk for downs which is unbelievable given my age (nearly 35).
Happy and relieved doesn't cover it - it really doesn't. I'm guessing this is how I was supposed to feel after my dating scan but didn't. Now I feel like a new woman and I'm hoping now that I can start to enjoy being pregnant at last and be confident that me and little can get through this together.
Thanks for your support ladies - you are all awesome xxx
Lovin the bump pics hun, I think u look neat!
Hope the weans give u less bother this evenin xx
Ah bless you, what a day! Hope you're feeling better now your feet are up xxx
You look lovely mamabear! And I love your dress
Thanks for all the bump comments ladies - I took a picture today as I think I'm slowly growing one! Very slowly but it's getting there... I've reached the point where I can't pull my tummy in, it just stays there so I can't be far
Today was the best day ever.
Got dressed this morning in my new dress from the weekend and I actually look pregnant in it! Just a tiny bit pregnant but even so... I'm impressed anyway lol Evidence attached, taken in the hospital loos later on. Anyway, why was I in the hospital? Read on...
I went back to work to find that my colleagues have been lovely and I had a nearly clear desk, also HR have pulled their fingers out and arranged my risk assessment at last.
Then I had a call from the hospital asking if I could come for a scan today instead of tomorrow - shocked wasn't the word! After calling my mum to make sure she could still come I took the appointment and left work straight away.
Baby H-W is amazing, active and looks healthy - I knew it would be like that deep down but seeing him/her again was incredible. Our little was so much bigger than two weeks ago and has proper little arms and legs now and gave us a wave too! <3 Sonographer was lovely this time too and gave me some good advice. She commented that little seems very active and also mentioned that I look to have an anterior placenta (whatever this means? Not googling!) Picture attached, husband couldn't be there so I wanted one for him. Mum loved it and fessed up that she has started knitting already!
Met husband after work and we picked up food for tea and walked home together. Arrived home to find my letter from the hospital with NT+ results - low risk for downs which is unbelievable given my age (nearly 35).
Happy and relieved doesn't cover it - it really doesn't. I'm guessing this is how I was supposed to feel after my dating scan but didn't. Now I feel like a new woman and I'm hoping now that I can start to enjoy being pregnant at last and be confident that me and little can get through this together.
Thanks for your support ladies - you are all awesome xxx
I am 20 weeks tomorrow and the baby is constantly kicking and the realisation that soon I will have 2 children around!
I have my 20 week scan tomorrow and find out the sex :happy036:
I am 20 weeks tomorrow and the baby is constantly kicking and the realisation that soon I will have 2 children around!
I have my 20 week scan tomorrow and find out the sex :happy036:
Makes 2 of us hunI really don't know why I'm paying £5 a week & not staying on plan or losing/maintaining. Seriously need a kick up the bum!
I am 20 weeks tomorrow and the baby is constantly kicking and the realisation that soon I will have 2 children around!
I have my 20 week scan tomorrow and find out the sex :happy036:
Today was the best day ever.
Got dressed this morning in my new dress from the weekend and I actually look pregnant in it! Just a tiny bit pregnant but even so... I'm impressed anyway lol Evidence attached, taken in the hospital loos later on. Anyway, why was I in the hospital? Read on...
I went back to work to find that my colleagues have been lovely and I had a nearly clear desk, also HR have pulled their fingers out and arranged my risk assessment at last.
Then I had a call from the hospital asking if I could come for a scan today instead of tomorrow - shocked wasn't the word! After calling my mum to make sure she could still come I took the appointment and left work straight away.
Baby H-W is amazing, active and looks healthy - I knew it would be like that deep down but seeing him/her again was incredible. Our little was so much bigger than two weeks ago and has proper little arms and legs now and gave us a wave too! <3 Sonographer was lovely this time too and gave me some good advice. She commented that little seems very active and also mentioned that I look to have an anterior placenta (whatever this means? Not googling!) Picture attached, husband couldn't be there so I wanted one for him. Mum loved it and fessed up that she has started knitting already!
Met husband after work and we picked up food for tea and walked home together. Arrived home to find my letter from the hospital with NT+ results - low risk for downs which is unbelievable given my age (nearly 35).
Happy and relieved doesn't cover it - it really doesn't. I'm guessing this is how I was supposed to feel after my dating scan but didn't. Now I feel like a new woman and I'm hoping now that I can start to enjoy being pregnant at last and be confident that me and little can get through this together.
Thanks for your support ladies - you are all awesome xxx
Awww hun thats a lovely baby bump and your scan pic is so much more clearer than your last one, can see baby's wavy arms and legs x
I have a anterior placenta just means its at the front, some women have it at the back and others in the front, I remember you mention from one of your other posts about wanting a baby bump well you will get a nice big round one with your placenta being in front. This is my first pregnancy where i have a actual bump and even though i look massive i'm well proud of it. So happy for you hun, its time to sit back, relax and enjoy your pregnancy x
I love this post! The positivity is just beaming from it![]()
Ah Missy that's great news - so pleased for you x x
Makes 2 of us hun
I really want to get on plan now but by morning its a different story!