Thanks safia thing is I don't know when the start of it is as I get a lot of braxton hicks so scared I wont realise until last minute. Ideal situation is induction just so we know when and can arrange babysitting for molly but don't want to go over by another two weeks for it.
I got told off by MW last week for gaining too much already "just cause your pregnant you shouldn't think ooh well I am having that chocolate.....and lots of it" and being told 2stone is the recommended amount and I am already 2/8lbs at 36 weeks as and that anything over 2stone u never lose....sorry but that's b*llocks I lost that and more when I was pregnant with Molly. Well my start off weight was 10stone so was within my bmi so I am not worrying too much.
I went and had a KFC after like an "up yours" too her haha