Pregnancy and Slimming World

I'm loving ice cream at the moment - the cold seems to counteract the weird taste I get from a lot of dairy things. Just had a cornetto enigma and it was well worth it! I'm on the bagel, cheese and ice cream diet at the mo, it's gonna have to stop sooner or later though...
I cant get enough of ice cream but it is now flaring my heartburn up even more so i dont know how much longer i will be enjoying it. With your gastational diabetes will it disappear straight away after having baby or it will take a couple of days/weeks x

Well they told me as soon as the placenta is out it should go! But im chatting to someone on the diabetes bit to this forum and she said that she still was showing high glucose at 6 week check up but then after a few months it went! I know that once I don't have to test my bloods 7-10 times a day and inject insulin twice I will be happy! I don't mind avoiding certain foods I want to lose weight anyway it's just this feeling like crap all the time I can't cope with :(
I'm loving ice cream at the moment - the cold seems to counteract the weird taste I get from a lot of dairy things. Just had a cornetto enigma and it was well worth it! I'm on the bagel, cheese and ice cream diet at the mo, it's gonna have to stop sooner or later though...

I had a bagal for dinner with cheese and tom and it was yum. Thankfully i finished the icecream yesterday so cant do much more damage tonight x
I'm loving ice cream at the moment - the cold seems to counteract the weird taste I get from a lot of dairy things. Just had a cornetto enigma and it was well worth it! I'm on the bagel, cheese and ice cream diet at the mo, it's gonna have to stop sooner or later though...

OMG they are lush arnt they :) love bagels too! Lol I've developed a thing for smelling peanut butter they've told me I can eat it because the nut allergies isn't in my direct blood line it my fiancé's it's his ex who has it so, their youngest boy has peanut allergies but I darnt I know if I did I wouldn't be able to stop myself! Eeeek plus Nutella basically anything with nuts in haha OMG snickers I soooooo can't wait till I can eat a snickers! I want to breast feed so maybe a while yet lol!
Well they told me as soon as the placenta is out it should go! But im chatting to someone on the diabetes bit to this forum and she said that she still was showing high glucose at 6 week check up but then after a few months it went! I know that once I don't have to test my bloods 7-10 times a day and inject insulin twice I will be happy! I don't mind avoiding certain foods I want to lose weight anyway it's just this feeling like crap all the time I can't cope with :(

Ouch i know the hardest bit is checking the blood, i really hope they are right and it goes with your placenta x
OMG they are lush arnt they :) love bagels too! Lol I've developed a thing for smelling peanut butter they've told me I can eat it because the nut allergies isn't in my direct blood line it my fiancé's it's his ex who has it so, their youngest boy has peanut allergies but I darnt I know if I did I wouldn't be able to stop myself! Eeeek plus Nutella basically anything with nuts in haha OMG snickers I soooooo can't wait till I can eat a snickers! I want to breast feed so maybe a while yet lol!

Oooo i love nutella, straight out of the pot :D x
Lol its lucky we dont have any as hubby likes the asda one and i hate it otherwise that spoon would be in it right now x

Hahahahaha we have some in for kids! I just smell it but my god I could stick my head right in it! Absolutely love the stuff :) I don't like the asda one either it has to be the proper stuff I feel! I had done of asda peanut butter once and that was rank! Some stuff they do is ok though! :)
Anyone watching big brother on chancel 5? I am! Sad I know, but I need something to watch while oh is working away I'm going stir crazy!!
I am watching it but so far its been disappointing i preferred it when it was on channel 4 x

I preferred it when Davina hosted it I like Emma Willis but yeah u agree I preferred the concept on Chanel 4! But at least they have a mixture if people in this year last year it was all young annoying wannabes :/ x
No that's fine you let it all out! I have friends who have had natural births and c sections! And those who have had c sections through complications said it was the worst thing they had done! A few were lucky enough to experience both procedures so they could compare! I have everything crossed that I can deliver her naturally with every pain relief available hahahahaha! Not surprised your dreading it with all that has happened to you and your first! People always say their first was the hardest! I'm terrified, excited, nervous, basically I am going through every emotion going! Eeeek

My 2nd wasn't much better but I'm aiming for a good third experience,lol!

I was more petrified of pooing in front of my partner than any pain I might feel. Needless to say after two kids & living together for 4 1/2 years now I really don't care anymore :)

Safia -maybe as my baby gets bigger they'll just shove the placenta out of the way?lol I've never had one stay so low before.
My 2nd wasn't much better but I'm aiming for a good third experience,lol!

I was more petrified of pooing in front of my partner than any pain I might feel. Needless to say after two kids & living together for 4 1/2 years now I really don't care anymore :)

Safia -maybe as my baby gets bigger they'll just shove the placenta out of the way?lol I've never had one stay so low before.

My first 2 were fine but my last one my son was so low, couldnt even bend because it would hurt down below and i was forever going for a wee. Must be a boy thing because this one does go low but doesnt stay low whereas son was always low. Lol i was worried about pooing aswell and my hubby seeing me down below but all that went out of the window when my labour actually started x
My first 2 were fine but my last one my son was so low, couldnt even bend because it would hurt down below and i was forever going for a wee. Must be a boy thing because this one does go low but doesnt stay low whereas son was always low. Lol i was worried about pooing aswell and my hubby seeing me down below but all that went out of the window when my labour actually started x

I'm so silly -I've been peeing loads with this one & everyone has told me it's cause I'm on my third but it could just be how low baby is! I never had problems during second trimester with the first two but I swear I sneezed & nearly peed myself with this one!lol
My 2nd wasn't much better but I'm aiming for a good third experience,lol!

I was more petrified of pooing in front of my partner than any pain I might feel. Needless to say after two kids & living together for 4 1/2 years now I really don't care anymore :)

Safia -maybe as my baby gets bigger they'll just shove the placenta out of the way?lol I've never had one stay so low before.

Ha god I never even thought about popping! I've told my oh he's to stay at the top of the bed only or leave the room! Ha!
Thanks safia thing is I don't know when the start of it is as I get a lot of braxton hicks so scared I wont realise until last minute. Ideal situation is induction just so we know when and can arrange babysitting for molly but don't want to go over by another two weeks for it.

I got told off by MW last week for gaining too much already "just cause your pregnant you shouldn't think ooh well I am having that chocolate.....and lots of it" and being told 2stone is the recommended amount and I am already 2/8lbs at 36 weeks as and that anything over 2stone u never lose....sorry but that's b*llocks I lost that and more when I was pregnant with Molly. Well my start off weight was 10stone so was within my bmi so I am not worrying too much.

I went and had a KFC after like an "up yours" too her haha :)
Thanks safia thing is I don't know when the start of it is as I get a lot of braxton hicks so scared I wont realise until last minute. Ideal situation is induction just so we know when and can arrange babysitting for molly but don't want to go over by another two weeks for it.

I got told off by MW last week for gaining too much already "just cause your pregnant you shouldn't think ooh well I am having that chocolate.....and lots of it" and being told 2stone is the recommended amount and I am already 2/8lbs at 36 weeks as and that anything over 2stone u never lose....sorry but that's b*llocks I lost that and more when I was pregnant with Molly. Well my start off weight was 10stone so was within my bmi so I am not worrying too much.

I went and had a KFC after like an "up yours" too her haha :)

What a cow id of told her where to go if she said that to me! You could be carrying alot of water plus the baby will be a few pounds by now! Arghhh don't they annoy you! No one has weighed me since my first appointment which I'm shocked at! I've put just under 4 stone on but I am retaining alot if water my ankles well cankles should I say are huge along with my knees and everything else! Most of my weight is on my tummy put a few bits have spread out! The weight will come off once baby is here and I'm settled into my new routine :) hope you enjoyed every mouthful of that KFC xx