Ooh I did :-D
I know I just tuned out and didn't listen as I thought it was a load of nonsense. I know my quality of food hasn't been great but I haven't eaten quantity wise. I am eating what I can stomach and what doesn't give me wicked acid reflux heartburn....lamb roast dinner did on Sunday but KFC didn't so I am not going to feel guilty for it.
Well with molly they said she would be 7lbs and she turned out 8/10ozs and this time they have said 8lbs so expecting about 9lbs and I carried water with molly, my face was so bloated and swollen and can see I am swelling out a bit again now.
With all the bad and annoying pregnancy niggles there are like heartburn,back ache, leg ache, sickness,constipation,gestational diabetes, piles, itching, incontinence, stretchmarks, unable to sleep, itching and gum infections etc I refuse to feel guilty for gaining more than the "recommended" amount. Mylene class gained 4stone with hers and look at her now...she lost it and more so its achievable.
I actually like dieting and exercise (i know crazy right) and looking forward to getting back onto Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD... and I generally can loose a lot fast so I am not going to worry about it now.
What will be will be right girls? Were bringing new life into this world, now what could be more important than that