Gold Member
Lol i wish i could jump on a gym ball through the night but my son has become clever and if he cant feel me next to him he will wake up and scream the house down! Need to do something about his clingyness. C sections and episiostomy the 3rd degree and more ones are really hard to recover from, i had 360 episotomy with my first and it took me a couple of months to recover and plus they stitched me up so tight it hurt to even have sex for many months!!! Keep cool and drink tonnes of water and that should keep any further water retention at bay during the heatwave, just wish i could take my own advice but the toilet trips are driving me crazy so not drinking a lot now.
Fingers crossed that at your 6 weeks checkup everything is back to normal. Hunger is normal especially with breastfeeding, i didnt even breastfeed and i was ravenous after having my children lol, the problem starts with what you eat to satisfy that hunger and in my case it was junk so put on loads of weight after having babies. But i think you mentioned you still eating healthy because of you diabetes so i bet you will have lost more weight by you appointment on the 5th. Your really lucky i wish this baby is a sleeper like my second one was and not a every 2 hour feeder like my 1st and 3rd! x
Hia, I'm sick to death of toilet trips too! It's much harder for you though, I used to get comfy in bed then need a wee when I was pregnant so annoying! At least now I can go quickly and whizz back before Poppy screams the house down! She's getting more and more alert by the day, she's started waking for feeds which is brill! My friend had that episiotomy thing ouch!!!! She couldn't have sec for 6 months it was too painful for her! I'm hoping too that everything has gone back to normal my blood pressure seems to have stabilised so that's good! Just fingers crossed te diabetes has gone too I hated having to prick myself and inject plus watch everything I ate! My meals are healthy but I am having the odd few sweets and choc I'm 2 stone down so far! Going to start dieting properly once I've had my 6 wk check up in 4 weeks! can't wait! I've been heft with a over hang at the sides of my stomach isn't a horrid so I'm hoping that will ping back abit when I lose weight! I can't believe how hungry I am! I wasn't hungry at all from 31wks but now can't stop thinking about food I'm sick of going into the kitchen opening the cupboards staring at then then walking back into the living room haha! I need to go shopping!! I really hope things get moving for you soon huni not long now!